Message from @Jack of Trades
Discord ID: 604888062358716420
I answered
well to hell with it, I am
incest is wincest
I like mom/son porn, but I don't want to fuck my mom
I think it's hot when THEy do it
oh fuck off with that shit
its more voyeuristic than personal fantasy
Darkwing Duck on DuckTales
Cool :V
@Jokerfaic Uuuuh, yeah I guess
so being in the army, did you happen to develop a fetish for women in uniform?
Lord no
military or otherwise
I even saluted a Lieutenant once and said "Good afternoon Sir"
"Ma'am" -Her
I started doing pushups immediatel
She thought it was hilarious
You a pog ass motherfucker?
I still dont' know what that counts as
People Other then Grunt.
I was in aviation and I went to combat twice. That's all I care about.
People other than gunman.
What was your MOS my dude?
PIG is professionally-instructed gunman, and HOG is hunter of gunmen, for sniper trainees and snipers, respectively.
Oh god you're just one step up from the chair force
fucking P O G
I'll never understand why the infantry types are this way
Joking aside, you choose a MOS that has some value outside of the service, good on you
"Hey buddy? You actually went with us to this shithole? Jeez what a faggot"
Nah, I was smart enough to do better than that :3
@Goodwood of Dank™ its like we're watching starship troopers before our very eyes