Message from @rflagg SC
Discord ID: 326891496496431104
@FairUse WA I was kind of right I meant attracting people on the streets
With your honeyed words
I love that top one.
I love them both
@Fox Tx You catch more flies when you have a fly catcher. @Thomas Ryan People are already asking me where they can buy these flags.
I know, we need some dough so we can print them
Anyway I could get an invite to the national
I'm partial to the Black Sun but #2 I like even better
And you need to print them so you'll have some dough. Maybe there's a teespring for flags.
@here National server invite
Do we have any Canadian affiliates? Just out of curiosity. Asking for a friend
Not yet anyway
though I'm certain your friend can find allied movements out that way
Gotcha. She actually lol
Good, our movement can use more Lana Lokteffs
She is a lot like that
And I'm pleased to say that I had a small part in her red pilling (at least on race, JQ, etc)
that reflects well on you, women are naturally drawn to strong men
I'm on voice. Anyone else want to hop pn
Siri won't stop
Off topic anyone have some ideas on recruiting in FL I'd like to see more members here so we can hold rally's and meetings at some point
Thomas you still there?
If you guys are talking I guess I can't hear. Idk what is up with my headset(s)
@Kevin FL what part of FL my dude?
I like that alone
Oh btw I saw some political pages on IG talking about the free speech rally on June 25
Free advertising
Tampa Bay Area like mid Florida but I can travel