Message from @Dank Memer

Discord ID: 581272770021687300

2019-05-24 00:08:47 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:08:47 UTC  

2019-05-24 00:09:05 UTC  

pls buy box

2019-05-24 00:09:05 UTC  

You don't have enough money in your wallet to buy this much of that item, but you have sufficient funds in your bank.
Do you still want to buy this amount of that item via the funds in your bank? (`y`/`n`)

2019-05-24 00:09:06 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:09:06 UTC  

2019-05-24 00:09:07 UTC  

@Goodwood of Dank™ Congratulations! You have completed the **Shopper** quest!
You received **1,000** coins and **1 <:alcohol:573152512530579456> Alcohol**

2019-05-24 00:09:18 UTC  

pls quests list 2

2019-05-24 00:09:18 UTC  

2019-05-24 00:09:29 UTC  

pls quests choose streaker

2019-05-24 00:09:29 UTC  

you are now doing **Streaker**

2019-05-24 00:09:35 UTC  

pls inventory

2019-05-24 00:09:35 UTC  

2019-05-24 00:09:53 UTC  

pls inventory 2

2019-05-24 00:09:53 UTC  

2019-05-24 00:10:00 UTC  

pls use normie box

2019-05-24 00:10:00 UTC  

@Goodwood of Dank™ good stuff, you got a solid **701** coins from your normie box

2019-05-24 00:10:12 UTC  

pls use normie box

2019-05-24 00:10:12 UTC  

@Goodwood of Dank™ good stuff, you got a solid **458** coins and **3 <:pinkphallicobject:573151343263350804> Pink Phallic Object's** from your normie box

2019-05-24 00:10:27 UTC  

pls inventory 3

2019-05-24 00:10:27 UTC  

**Tip**: Are you rich and want to preserve your life? Try a Life Saver from the shop!

2019-05-24 00:10:40 UTC  

pls balance

2019-05-24 00:10:40 UTC  

2019-05-24 00:10:45 UTC  

pls deposit all

2019-05-24 00:10:45 UTC  

**2159** coins deposited

2019-05-24 00:12:17 UTC  

pls pet

2019-05-24 00:12:17 UTC  

2019-05-24 00:12:26 UTC  

pls pet pat

2019-05-24 00:12:26 UTC  

You pat Crack Boulder.

2019-05-24 00:15:47 UTC  

pls beg

2019-05-24 00:15:47 UTC  

**Dr. Phil** has donated 36 coins to you!

2019-05-24 00:15:50 UTC  

pls search

2019-05-24 00:15:50 UTC  

**DOG** You found 51 coins, why did you even think to look here though???

2019-05-24 00:15:57 UTC  

pls postmeme

2019-05-24 00:15:57 UTC  

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` ■ **Dank meme**
`e` ■ **Edgy meme**
`n` ■ **Normie Meme**
`m` ■ **Meta Meme**
`r` ■ **Repost meme**

2019-05-24 00:15:59 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:15:59 UTC  

Your posted meme is **__TRENDING__** with **922 upvotes**. You get 161 coins, niceeee meme bro

2019-05-24 00:16:14 UTC  

pls balance

2019-05-24 00:16:14 UTC  

**Tip**: Do you want to steal from the bank of a rich person? Get some friends together for a bank heist using `pls bankrob`!

2019-05-24 00:19:57 UTC  

pls trivia

2019-05-24 00:19:57 UTC