Message from @Goodwood of Dank™

Discord ID: 583732222822187058

2019-05-30 19:02:18 UTC  

2019-05-30 19:02:25 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:02:25 UTC  

no nincompoop, the correct answer was `6`

2019-05-30 19:02:29 UTC  

pls work

2019-05-30 19:02:29 UTC  

**Work for Developer** - Scramble - The following word is scrambed, you need to try and unscramble it to reveal the original word;

2019-05-30 19:02:37 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:02:37 UTC  

That is not the word! You have 2 attempt(s) left.

**Goodwood**, unscramble the following word;

2019-05-30 19:02:56 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:02:56 UTC  

That is not the word! You have 1 attempt(s) left.

**Goodwood**, unscramble the following word;

2019-05-30 19:03:01 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:03:01 UTC  

**BOSS** Good stuff Goodwood, got the work done well. You were given `196` coins for one hour of work.

2019-05-30 19:03:05 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:03:09 UTC  

pls buy laptop

2019-05-30 19:03:09 UTC  

2019-05-30 19:03:14 UTC  

pls postmeme

2019-05-30 19:03:14 UTC  

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` ■ **Dank meme**
`e` ■ **Edgy meme**
`n` ■ **Normie Meme**
`m` ■ **Meta Meme**
`r` ■ **Repost meme**

2019-05-30 19:03:17 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:03:17 UTC  

Your posted meme got **45 upvotes**. You get 64 coins

2019-05-30 19:03:22 UTC  

pls deposit all

2019-05-30 19:03:22 UTC  

hey it looks like you already have a full bank kiddo

2019-05-30 19:03:27 UTC  

pls beg

2019-05-30 19:03:27 UTC  

**ayylien** has donated 33 coins to you!

2019-05-30 19:03:35 UTC  

pls bank

2019-05-30 19:03:35 UTC  

2019-05-30 19:03:39 UTC  

pls deposit all

2019-05-30 19:03:40 UTC  

hey it looks like you already have a full bank kiddo

2019-05-30 19:04:05 UTC  

pls balance

2019-05-30 19:04:06 UTC  

2019-05-30 19:04:18 UTC  

pls pet

2019-05-30 19:04:18 UTC  

2019-05-30 19:04:24 UTC  

pls pet feed

2019-05-30 19:04:24 UTC  

You paid **10** coins to give food and water to Crack Boulder.

2019-05-30 19:04:29 UTC  

pls pet pat

2019-05-30 19:04:30 UTC  

You pat Crack Boulder.

2019-05-30 19:28:53 UTC  

pls jail @Potato Man for crimes against PCs

2019-05-30 19:28:54 UTC

2019-05-30 19:43:53 UTC  

pls trivia

2019-05-30 19:43:53 UTC  

2019-05-30 19:44:00 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:44:01 UTC  

correct genius, you earned **6** coins

2019-05-30 19:44:04 UTC  

pls deposit all