Message from @Goodwood of Dank™

Discord ID: 603647205202722816

2019-07-24 17:57:42 UTC  

<:chickycheese:583318568100429826> **Shredded Cheese** ─ **EFFECTS**
There's a small chance your lactose intolerance acts up and you lose some experience points.

Do you still want to use this item? Please respond with `y` or `n` within 30 seconds.

2019-07-24 17:57:43 UTC  


2019-07-24 17:57:43 UTC  

<:chickycheese:583318568100429826> It's three o'clock in the morning. You're standing, barefoot, in front of the fridge.
Not to get caught, you open the bag of shredded cheese as stealthily as you can.
The moment the bag is open, you gluttonously devour the entirety of it. The bag is gone before you know it.
Empowered by the Baltic God of Milk, you feel the shredded cheese coarse through your veins. You grow stronger.

You now have a bonus EXP multiplier of `10.83%`. Eating more shredded cheese will increase this value.

2019-07-24 17:57:50 UTC  

pls beg

2019-07-24 17:57:50 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:57:54 UTC  

pls balance

2019-07-24 17:57:55 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:57:57 UTC  

pls pet

2019-07-24 17:57:58 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:58:03 UTC  

pls trivia

2019-07-24 17:58:03 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:58:08 UTC  


2019-07-24 17:58:09 UTC  

correct large brain, you earned **6** coins

2019-07-24 17:58:14 UTC  

pls beg

2019-07-24 17:58:14 UTC  

**Dank Memer** has donated 169 coins to @Goodwood of Dank™, as well as a <:reversal:573150370579087360> **Reversal Card** WOW

2019-07-24 17:58:16 UTC  


2019-07-24 17:58:19 UTC  

pls sell reversal

2019-07-24 17:58:20 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:58:26 UTC  

pls deposit all

2019-07-24 17:58:26 UTC  

**91** coins deposited

2019-07-24 17:58:28 UTC  

pls use cheese

2019-07-24 17:58:29 UTC  

<:chickycheese:583318568100429826> **Shredded Cheese** ─ **EFFECTS**
There's a small chance your lactose intolerance acts up and you lose some experience points.

Do you still want to use this item? Please respond with `y` or `n` within 30 seconds.

2019-07-24 17:58:30 UTC  


2019-07-24 17:58:30 UTC  

<:chickycheese:583318568100429826> It's three o'clock in the morning. You're standing, barefoot, in front of the fridge.
Not to get caught, you open the bag of shredded cheese as stealthily as you can.
The moment the bag is open, you gluttonously devour the entirety of it. The bag is gone before you know it.
Empowered by the Baltic God of Milk, you feel the shredded cheese coarse through your veins. You grow stronger.

You now have a bonus EXP multiplier of `11.08%`. Eating more shredded cheese will increase this value.

2019-07-24 17:58:35 UTC  

pls beg

2019-07-24 17:58:35 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:58:40 UTC  

pls deposit all

2019-07-24 17:58:41 UTC  

**92** coins deposited

2019-07-24 17:58:56 UTC  

pls beg

2019-07-24 17:58:56 UTC  

**Minecraft Steve** has donated 24 coins to @UnScottable!

2019-07-24 17:59:01 UTC  

pls trivia

2019-07-24 17:59:01 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:59:08 UTC  


2019-07-24 17:59:08 UTC  

correct smartass, you earned **6** coins

2019-07-24 17:59:14 UTC  

pls balance

2019-07-24 17:59:14 UTC  

2019-07-24 17:59:21 UTC  

pls use cheese

2019-07-24 17:59:22 UTC  

<:chickycheese:583318568100429826> **Shredded Cheese** ─ **EFFECTS**
There's a small chance your lactose intolerance acts up and you lose some experience points.

Do you still want to use this item? Please respond with `y` or `n` within 30 seconds.

2019-07-24 17:59:23 UTC  


2019-07-24 17:59:23 UTC  

<:chickycheese:583318568100429826> It's three o'clock in the morning. You're standing, barefoot, in front of the fridge.
Not to get caught, you open the bag of shredded cheese as stealthily as you can.
The moment the bag is open, you gluttonously devour the entirety of it. The bag is gone before you know it.
Empowered by the Baltic God of Milk, you feel the shredded cheese coarse through your veins. You grow stronger.

You now have a bonus EXP multiplier of `11.31%`. Eating more shredded cheese will increase this value.

2019-07-24 17:59:32 UTC  

pls trivia