Message from @yordanyordanov

Discord ID: 621681017870352397

2019-09-12 11:48:00 UTC  

These I define as the 3 spheres of creation, destruction and decision.

2019-09-12 11:48:56 UTC  

Anybody should be capable of holding power in any of these 3 spheres, however his or her OWN PLACE INSIDE these spheres should not be equal, for people aren't created to be equal.

2019-09-12 11:49:23 UTC  

It translates as anyone being able to produce something, e.g. having a job,

2019-09-12 11:51:06 UTC  

Everybody being able to defend his own country in one way or the other-here is where you need to have a citizenry with military background, a population prepared for war-be it civil or against any other threat and the right for every able body person to BARE ARMS to be able to defend him or herself

2019-09-12 11:53:28 UTC  

It also translates as anyone being able to elect or be elected to a position of decision making authority, or as we put it-a political office, however instead of having some universal positions and institutions, we should have a societies where power is divided by competence and the people who are under the influence of a particular agency are also capable of voting the people who control them, too.

2019-09-12 11:53:55 UTC  

I shall call this kind of DEMOCRACY, for it's a democracy by its basic foundations

2019-09-12 11:54:04 UTC  

STRUCTURAL democracy

2019-09-12 11:54:51 UTC  

for people are voted in and out of a particular position for a particular task and there isn't some universal body making decisions randomly for everything and anything.

2019-09-12 11:55:38 UTC  

Are you being able to now grasp the immense complexity under this otherwise so simple-looking symbol?

2019-09-12 11:56:42 UTC  

Satan just called, he wants me to read this when I go to hell

2019-09-12 12:07:31 UTC  

@yordanyordanov, I'm reading through it now.

2019-09-12 12:08:31 UTC  

The symbol is simple but the meanings are many.

2019-09-12 12:08:40 UTC  

It's not simpple decoding it.

2019-09-12 12:12:26 UTC  

You seem to make the mistake of believing the economy is to be ran, and you don't define as to the extent of interventionism and limits of any centralized bodies you'd allude to.

2019-09-12 12:15:14 UTC  

Much of the structure, however, is something you can observe as already in place in the United States. When you speak of three spheres, we have already three depositories of power, with complex mechanics to ensure one doesn't encroach upon the other, while self-interest preserves the desire to ensure an absence of overzealous and expansionary power. I won't say an amendment or two to the U.S. Constitution hasn't subverted some of these structural intents, however, nationalizing politics away from localized interests.

2019-09-12 12:16:58 UTC  

Actually I do believe economy can be run efficiently, however, not by a central, key word is CENTRAL authority.

2019-09-12 12:17:23 UTC  

An economy is efficient when markets are at equilibrium.

2019-09-12 12:17:44 UTC  

Perfect efficiency is when supply and demand converges.

2019-09-12 12:17:55 UTC  

That requires no planning, no intervention.

2019-09-12 12:18:06 UTC  

However if we get a bunch of professional organizations each with their own particular background and authorities it can happen.

2019-09-12 12:18:24 UTC  

I don't think markets are that efficient

2019-09-12 12:18:29 UTC  

Reasons are two"

2019-09-12 12:18:39 UTC  

The existence of financial crises

2019-09-12 12:19:09 UTC  

and 2. The ability of private interests to establish control over particular markets.

2019-09-12 12:19:57 UTC  

communism 45.0 hasnt been tried yet

2019-09-12 12:20:01 UTC  

What makes markets efficient is actually competition and competition can be inbuild in structures, markets aren't necessary for competition to exist.

2019-09-12 12:20:16 UTC  

Who told I'm a communist.

2019-09-12 12:20:24 UTC  

its obvious

2019-09-12 12:20:27 UTC  

Where do I talk about class struggle?

2019-09-12 12:20:30 UTC  

Of course they are; otherwise, there would be shortages and surplus everywhere. I won't say there isn't an absence of various industries operating efficiently, however, as regulation and entry-barriers, which give way to unofficially managed state-cartels via an indirect planning, has culminated uncompetitive markets.

2019-09-12 12:20:45 UTC  

Financial crisis?

2019-09-12 12:20:48 UTC  

you think you are a special snowflake

2019-09-12 12:20:51 UTC  

you sound the same

2019-09-12 12:21:00 UTC  

Scarcity exists, regardless of what form of economic system you pursue.

2019-09-12 12:21:19 UTC  

That's why economies must exist.

2019-09-12 12:21:23 UTC  

That's why markets must exist.

2019-09-12 12:21:49 UTC  

Until you're able to eliminate scarcity of both labor and resources, you will always run into this issue.

2019-09-12 12:21:50 UTC  

@Jeremy How about the ability of a system to self-impose and self-organize its premised economical spheres?

2019-09-12 12:22:04 UTC  

Why should regulation be imposed on the OUTSIDE?

2019-09-12 12:22:28 UTC  

That's exactly what Capitalism is.

2019-09-12 12:22:40 UTC  

It is not an outside imposition.