Message from @ETBrooD
Discord ID: 620510293788983298
I got bullied and beat up by the one particular group more than any other
This is not a coincidence, we had a huge problem with Turkish kids in Vienna, especially in the parks
They just hung around and caused trouble being unattended
as I was saying, I didn't really understand race until, for lack of any significant ad homs to fling at a particularly cunty brat schoolmate, I simply mentioned their skin color in a derogatory fashion
As you should, if your brain doesn't pick up on racial differences then you're less safe
It would be a weakness on your part
People who say they don't see race are either lying or weak
ok ethnofag
I'm not an ethnofag you idiot
Did you already forget what I wrote earlier?
literally ethnocentric rhetoric outta your ass
Re-read what I wrote realier
I'm reading what you're writing now
You're selectively picking my most recent statements and ignoring the context of everything I say
That's what the typical leftist does
Are you a leftard?
Are you a useful progressivist idiot?
bull shit, kiddo. I gave an anecdote of where race simply didn't ocurr to me when dealing with a cunty child, and you're saying it should have
Yeah, it should, because if you don't profile racially instinctively, then your defense mechanism doesn't properly work
It is perfectly normal to pick up on these differences
ok ethnofag
This is instinct
It is evolutionary
"seeing differences is racism"
You're such a progressivist
seeing differences isn't the same as just deciding cunt child is a cunt because of their race
I didn't say that
you literally fuucking did
No I did not
No, there are variations in how different groups behave, based on what behaviors are normalized and reinforced among the groups. Here in the U.S., for example, we have the issue of black kids being bullied by their peers (fellow blacks) for participation at school, which is obviously counter to logic as they'll have less economic mobility by proliferating such norms throughout their culture by associating it with their music, films, etc.
you're saying cunt child's race should have ocurred to me when dealing with it.
Many groups will also rebel against the predominant norms associated with the majority group, even if it harms their own interests. It's a very common behavior.
A) noticing that a cunt is of a certain race
B) noticing that a race does cunt things
See the difference?
You say I did B, but I did not
I did A
then why should specific attention be paid to their race when the more important detail is they're being a cunt
People's brains instinctively pick up on it
Because those behaviors are reinforced among peers.
not an answer