Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 615766049375256587

2019-08-27 01:33:05 UTC  

Not literally militarily aggressive, but like economically aggressive. And idk about that point, I haven’t heard of that yet.

2019-08-27 01:34:29 UTC  

And if so, yes pressuring countries to stop trading with rivals is bad diplomacy. Unfortunately it’s probably not uncommon tactics either by any large country, or small ones too.

2019-08-27 01:37:08 UTC  

of course not, however that's not synonymous with basically using everything from covert economic and military subversion to overt military intervention as shorthand for actual diplomacy, for getting very close to 20 years straight

2019-08-27 01:39:24 UTC  

JFK couldn't call the naval isolation of Cuba a "blockade" because that would have been an act of war, so instead through rhetoric, the USA and Soviets dealt with the move as a semi-legal act of piracy

2019-08-27 01:40:06 UTC  

but now we just pretend fully blockading and embargoing Iran isn't an explicit act of war, simply because Iran knows it can't survive an actual war

2019-08-27 01:41:21 UTC  

and this has been the foreign policy model of our government long before Trump, so really, its not entirely his fault

2019-08-27 01:43:15 UTC  

but the point stands, we've only been able to get away with this self-righteous flouting of diplomacy for so long because no power on the world stage could individually halt our momentum

2019-08-27 01:43:49 UTC  

this stunt at G7, minor as it was, is still a clear warning sign

2019-08-27 01:44:46 UTC  

No way in hell Macron, *on his own,* had the clout to bring the foreign minister of the country we have square in our sights to an international summit

2019-08-27 01:44:55 UTC  

this was a group effort

2019-08-27 01:48:01 UTC  

And the message is clear. Trump had better take a note from Roosevelt, take firm hold of his big stick, and start walking fucking softly

2019-08-27 02:22:43 UTC  

Yurip, has no clout. I do not doubt they will bend the knee to anyone stronger than them but that is a very long list and not worth mentioning.

2019-08-27 02:38:37 UTC  

They truly have no standards.

2019-08-27 02:54:29 UTC  

No shit

2019-08-27 03:06:06 UTC  

auth left and their big government power

2019-08-27 03:19:57 UTC  

Is anyone surprised after they defended pedos?

2019-08-27 03:31:57 UTC  

Not really

2019-08-27 04:26:35 UTC  

*B-b-b-but leftism doesn't automatically mean authoritarian and collectivist you guys*

2019-08-27 04:27:40 UTC  

*This is pure coincidence that leftists support China, has nothing to do with the core values of their ideology maboys*

2019-08-27 04:34:26 UTC  

Republicans have proven themselves insufficient at combating leftists, given that their negligence of domestic policies with the hand wave of "no, we won't do that, that's *socialism*" has created perfect fertile soil for a generation to come up and say "fine, fuck you, I guess we're socialists now."

2019-08-27 04:34:42 UTC  

Maybe its time to resurrect the Whigs

2019-08-27 04:35:23 UTC  

||*resurrect, fuck, I never get that right the first time||

2019-08-27 04:53:04 UTC  

Literally making the argument for white nationalism too with that logic btw

2019-08-27 04:53:23 UTC  

Fuck you, guess we're nazi's now that you blahblahblah

2019-08-27 04:55:33 UTC  

Lets go down memory lane...

VICE is now disabling and WaybackMachine because they think right wing sites are using it to discredit them... Huh?

2019-08-27 04:56:34 UTC  


2019-08-27 04:56:42 UTC  

Vice has literally become INGSOC!

2019-08-27 04:58:16 UTC  

@Imaorange precisely the same phenomenon, yes

2019-08-27 04:58:27 UTC  

democrats are just as guilty

2019-08-27 05:00:38 UTC  

meanwhile genuine socialists or ethnonationalists are going "wow, where are these chucklefucks coming from? I mean thanks for the recruitment drive, but god damn."

2019-08-27 05:01:20 UTC  

Liberal logic: Let fight "Muh Facism" by promoting communism in Portland...

2019-08-27 05:02:23 UTC  


2019-08-27 05:02:49 UTC  

there's no dictionary react

2019-08-27 05:03:00 UTC  
2019-08-27 05:03:15 UTC  

this works

2019-08-27 05:04:10 UTC  

anyway, stop being dumb. Liberals aren't communists

2019-08-27 05:04:44 UTC  

and conservatives aren't fascists

2019-08-27 05:05:02 UTC  

yet more lies popularized by the major parties

2019-08-27 05:05:34 UTC  

Didn't hitler fight against communism.?

China doesn't want communism, and america wants it...
Just makes ye wonder.