Message from @Neutron-Bong™
Discord ID: 620746843944386578
@Jokerfaic i understand you and i love anime. But retain ya dignity man!
obviously a joke
and no, as I said, tried being gay, doesn't work
no you are still gay
you cant try being gay
literally did
It just wasnt REAL gay, c'mon guys
once you stick a willy in your anus your gay forever
second thought; dont do that last part
no going back
I only sucked 45 cocks im not gay anymore tho guys
if your shitoris becomes swollen, then u prolly have cancer and about six weeks to live
ya your gay af my dude
@Neutron-Bong™ that a warning or an advertisment?
nah its not damaged or anything I think, just nothing feels good back there
pls stop
for gods sake
Gays sure do love their sex talk about how gay they are
this is why I agree with muslims over lgbt treatment
oh boohoo, spicy enough to make gay jokes, shrivel and whine when men talk about men things
Its bad enough you like anime
*Rem best girl*
my brain is disgusted at what it is reading
@Jokerfaic rem best girl, ja
dunno who that is
I don't do waifu/husbando culture
its not gay to finger ur bum for medical reasons
well maybe a little
You need to see RE;ZERO dude
better than ass/shitoris cancer tho
@Jokerfaic watch RE:ZERO and you will know
@Jokerfaic i can massage it for you ^~^
nope, just feels pain
its broken or some shit
i am scared to ask
is little jokerfaic leaking pre-ejaculate more than normal
medically there's nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't do this 'pleasure' thing people talk about
rather convinced its a myth