Message from @Jokerfaic
Discord ID: 620747898724024320
pls stop
for gods sake
Gays sure do love their sex talk about how gay they are
this is why I agree with muslims over lgbt treatment
oh boohoo, spicy enough to make gay jokes, shrivel and whine when men talk about men things
my shitoris is fine thank you, but finger ur bum once a week to check ur shitoris, stay frosty
Its bad enough you like anime
*Rem best girl*
my brain is disgusted at what it is reading
@Jokerfaic rem best girl, ja
dunno who that is
I don't do waifu/husbando culture
its not gay to finger ur bum for medical reasons
well maybe a little
You need to see RE;ZERO dude
better than ass/shitoris cancer tho
@Jokerfaic watch RE:ZERO and you will know
@Jokerfaic i can massage it for you ^~^
nope, just feels pain
i am scared to ask
is little jokerfaic leaking pre-ejaculate more than normal
medically there's nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't do this 'pleasure' thing people talk about
rather convinced its a myth
trim ur nails u filthy animal
it feels better for some people more than others, and it depends what's touching it, personally i really like it 🤔
also sargon's server once again showing it's true alt-right side
alt-right is known for its tolerance
u must trim ur nails before massaging ur shitoris, otherwise its like having ur butthole fingered by Wolverine
How tf did this topic start
someone made a joke about gay society, then ran and cried when others decided to bant
we live in a ... gay society?
if you go looking for it, yes
well the claim was heterosexuality just isn't working out, and we should convert
I mentioned that I literally tried, and it doesn't work that way
ah yes
and wimp pussed out
future generations will thank us for not procreating