Message from @Mavalance

Discord ID: 621062787300458508

2019-09-10 19:19:03 UTC  

its just a fact

2019-09-10 19:19:06 UTC  

and im sorry

2019-09-10 19:19:24 UTC  

Absolute kings is starting to sound like a good idea

2019-09-10 19:19:45 UTC

2019-09-10 19:19:53 UTC  

@Mavalance and still can push laws to turn brexit to infinite delay

2019-09-10 19:20:02 UTC

2019-09-10 19:20:04 UTC  

Only macron can save you now

2019-09-10 19:20:14 UTC  

You mean granny fucker

2019-09-10 19:20:17 UTC  

@Aquila Fiacra its ridiculous and so blatantly wrong

2019-09-10 19:20:21 UTC  

he married his 4th grade teacher

2019-09-10 19:20:39 UTC  

Macron is mega-cuck level

2019-09-10 19:20:49 UTC

2019-09-10 19:20:53 UTC  

Should of let the royalist win the English Civil War

2019-09-10 19:20:54 UTC  

Then what did parliament do just before break?

2019-09-10 19:21:10 UTC

2019-09-10 19:21:21 UTC  

you nee d alicense to wathc porn in the uk

2019-09-10 19:21:27 UTC  

i cant wait for the police to come knocking

2019-09-10 19:21:35 UTC  

to check your pc for unlicensed porn

2019-09-10 19:21:40 UTC  

the memes will be legnd

2019-09-10 19:21:45 UTC  


2019-09-10 19:21:47 UTC  

Parliament has done nothing, in terms of Brexit, for the past 3years

2019-09-10 19:21:52 UTC  

We still havent left for god sake

2019-09-10 19:22:11 UTC  

its creating static to force a revote

2019-09-10 19:22:14 UTC  

lets be honest

2019-09-10 19:22:19 UTC  

and surprise you will lose

2019-09-10 19:22:28 UTC  

cause of the media and vote fixing

2019-09-10 19:22:35 UTC  

no one expects brexit to ever get done

2019-09-10 19:22:48 UTC  

and yes the queen still has veto power over any law or vote

2019-09-10 19:22:52 UTC  

uk ppl will deny this

2019-09-10 19:22:55 UTC  

but its stilla fact

2019-09-10 19:23:18 UTC  

just waiting for the other shoe to drop

2019-09-10 19:24:36 UTC  

UK is the biggest boot lickers for government anyways

2019-09-10 19:24:41 UTC  

I expect nothing from them

2019-09-10 19:25:15 UTC  

ask any UK cuck they will say queen doesnt have veto power

2019-09-10 19:25:19 UTC  

which is untrue

2019-09-10 19:25:57 UTC  

where u from?

2019-09-10 19:26:04 UTC  

not EU

2019-09-10 19:26:10 UTC  


2019-09-10 19:26:11 UTC  
