Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 615679350607446047

2019-08-26 22:48:35 UTC  

god you people are intellectually dishonest

2019-08-26 22:48:40 UTC  

Now that I'm thinking about it the one FTM I know could probably kick my ass lol

2019-08-26 22:48:43 UTC  

Respect for Merlin: -10

2019-08-26 22:48:43 UTC  


2019-08-26 22:48:43 UTC  
2019-08-26 22:48:47 UTC  

and you obfuscate like school yard children to dismis a point

2019-08-26 22:48:49 UTC  


2019-08-26 22:48:54 UTC  

you just cant communicate properly

2019-08-26 22:48:59 UTC  

I treat everybody equally until they act fucking retarded, Merlin

2019-08-26 22:49:03 UTC  


2019-08-26 22:49:04 UTC  

No, you literally cited a chronology that is BACKWARDS FROM REALITY

2019-08-26 22:49:11 UTC  

so you treat yourself differently?

2019-08-26 22:49:16 UTC  

everything you've said has been directly confronted and debunked. the ball's been in your court this whole time

2019-08-26 22:49:18 UTC  

and then you doubled down and started doing adhom when we told you this

2019-08-26 22:49:19 UTC  

g1 vr0

2019-08-26 22:49:21 UTC  

or is that onyl when you look in a mirror?

2019-08-26 22:49:27 UTC  


2019-08-26 22:49:34 UTC  

respect for Merlin dropping every 20 seconds

2019-08-26 22:49:39 UTC  

pls stop...

2019-08-26 22:49:43 UTC  

>it's an expression

2019-08-26 22:49:55 UTC  

>you're going to levels of pedantry that shouldn't be possible

2019-08-26 22:50:01 UTC  

>it's like you're factchecking a meme

2019-08-26 22:50:20 UTC  

is there a reverse equivilant of #Full_Macintosh?

2019-08-26 22:50:43 UTC  

I am convinced that Merlin is larping at this point just to take the piss out of everbody

2019-08-26 22:50:57 UTC  

"I was only pretending to be retarded"

2019-08-26 22:50:58 UTC

2019-08-26 22:51:04 UTC  

Stargate is shit

2019-08-26 22:51:09 UTC  
2019-08-26 22:51:14 UTC  

well the moment you all started getting white knighty what else was i to do?

2019-08-26 22:51:28 UTC  


2019-08-26 22:51:33 UTC  

hur duuur m'ladys

2019-08-26 22:51:41 UTC  

Dunno man, you seemed like you were moments from shooting a woman like the Supreme Gentleman

2019-08-26 22:51:47 UTC  

also whats my display picture of?

2019-08-26 22:51:51 UTC  

white knights are just as revisionist historians as you are right now. We're accurately citing historical events

2019-08-26 22:51:51 UTC  

thatll give you a clue

2019-08-26 22:51:53 UTC  

fuck wits

2019-08-26 22:51:53 UTC  

Is he literally doing the "I was pretending to be retarded" meme

2019-08-26 22:51:55 UTC  

"display picture"

2019-08-26 22:51:57 UTC  

>MA levels of boomer

2019-08-26 22:52:03 UTC  

@ryvergate Unironically, yes

2019-08-26 22:52:12 UTC  

Ah okay he is just retarded