Message from @BraeJager TX
Discord ID: 321743656388263948
Your intense hate for PJW is not unfounded
I dont think you can get HIV in one night with symptoms
He's still a faggot though
HIV symptoms can show up within a few days or a few years
So it's possible
That's ANCAP as fuck.
Within the first week you're supposed to have flu like symptoms
But overnight?
Can we use him as bait in the race war
Totally possible
Very rare, but can happen
Well fellow Southrons, who is gardening this year?
very nice
no jalpenos
I am just some herbs and tomatoes tho
i will when i get my own place
The South is a great place to garden. Gardening is a wonderful activity. It's healthy. It's a GREAT GREAT activity for kids. It promotes work ethic, teaches delayed gratification, and gives them the gift of a useful skill.
i just have a black berry bush
Make sure to grow some mint for mint tea. Good for stomach aces lads.
I am growing 3 raised beds with corn, black beans, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermellon, zuchinni, onions, okra, and mint.
im going to make raw milk ice cream sometime next week
All heirloom. Last year, I had so many tomatoes that I had to make spaggetti sauce with them. Imagine how good this was: homegrown tomatoes, garlic, onion, and basil, poured over deer sausage from an animal I took with my own rifle. Only the noodles were purchased.
If got 2 mint plants, basil, thyme and tomatoes currently
I usually go to the Amish in Kentucky so I don't grow much of my own since they're pretty close
Nothing wrong with that
fried green tomatoes
Better than giving Jewish grocery stores money when I can give good ol white folk my money who work hard and who deserve it
Yeah, when they aren't getting raided by the ZOG for selling food without a permission slip.
Their honey though, now that's some good stuff
raw honey is pretty good
Raising the kids right, nice man. Can't wait to be a father myself
It's the best job in the world. It's like overdosing on white pills everyday.
Yeah I bet. I'll have my fist child in 2-3 years. Fiancé and I wanna take some time to travel a bit and spend time with each other before we start a family.
Great call. Remember, 3 is the minimum, 4 is better, and 5 is just downright racist.