Message from @Kealor
Discord ID: 621219889104945154
fragile; keep wrapped
“Raised redpill” fuck that sounds cringe
stfu faggot
im trying to explain a culture
faggots get the bullet first
actually no trannies
then fags
trannies should get thrown in prison
then whatever scum is left which these days would be a lot
theyd like it there
Cons haven't backed down on gun rights trump isn't really a true repub he used to be a dem
now, take what i'm about to say with a grain of salt because i cant find the surveys(anymore), but according to some polls an increasing number of Gen Z's approve of Polygamy, so expect that to be the Culture war of the 2020s
would tame the prison populations
@Samaritan what California? What’s red flag laws? What’s Bump stock bans?
Fucking retard
entrappment, punishable by hanging
im happy to have a full libertarian system for that stuff. be a faggot if you want, but everyone applies natural social pressure
STFU faggot @viceroy pax
Drumpf did the bump stock thing
Your just wrong
Did you not read my comment you literal brainlet
The left these days is "after us, the deluge". Which is ironic due to them being commies, as Marx said that about capitalists of his time <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
god, the arrogance
i can never in my entire life ever remember addressing an issue with 'you are just wrong'
Republicans have been cucking on guns before Trump
will trump step down a hero or will he be in office long enough to be the cuckservative?
Chad Poland, dealing with LGBT rights the right way unlike Trump who embraces them
I’d take a boomer over a millennial every day.
as if it is plainly impossible for a misunderstanding to occure
lers all just buy 1 way tickets to poland
Even if they had been which I'm not going to grant
It'd be a clear result of the left controlling the mainstream culture
So take it back
The right cucks constantly
>imagine thinking the right is gonna win the Culture war
Salutations gentlemen
the right doesn't 'cuck'