Message from @Boop / 브파 / C'thUwU
Discord ID: 621222560993902592
Maga nation am I right?
they lost their fire after the damn soviets disappered
I miss reagan
Trump doesn't care about GOP, his voters are not republicans
They haven't been losing since ww2 you have been losing since ww2
Ben Shapiro is on our side goys
You aren't one and the same retard
that man scared the fuck out of EVERYONE everyday
@Samaritan ok libertarian fag
"Guys the free market will save us"
and he scared the fuck out of Gorbi too
If Samaritan is a leftist then yes you’ve been winning
Like I give a absolute fuck what you think of me
ben shapiro annoys me with his fence sitting and moral policing
Everyone I don't like is leftist
is pax being a faggot?
Your just double didn’t iq, that’s all
silly faggot
dicks are for chics
At least the other mong speked me correctly as a lib/minarchist
Lmao he's a libertarian
Wer hat Nazi gesagt?
so he's opinion doesn't matter
whats wrong with nazis
The 70 iqs cry out in pain as they strike you
The state has grown since WW2 @Samaritan
It never stops growing
Samarituan ist kein Nazi
Your losing TOO
God. I love ben Shapiro going on about how bad trump is when he literally has no where to go politically.
ich werde es weissen!
minarchism should be the goal, but things are too far gone for libertarianism to be the solution
Deus Vult
atleast right now
Ben represents 7% of the Republican Party.
Ben Her?