Message from @Eirshy
Discord ID: 634109849130631188
I was under the impression that she only blocked people such as Ford
Trouble in paradise
Apparently she's never been on the internet prior to coming on this server because if she thinks what I say is mean she is a fool
Off the top of my head (and in order of the reasons for blocking me, from best to worst), I've been blocked by:
1) MA--Has issues with his memory; Now I've been unblocked by him
2) Bababooey (ideological reasons)
3) Little_Boots (Apparently takes everything I'm saying as serious, and has blocked me because I'm laughing at him for dumb shit he did once. Also, he continues to fall for it every single time. He seemingly cannot rectify his past mistakes with humor)
4) That one paypig who blocked me without even interacting with me (not sure what he's called, but he blocked me because I was being a 99% of the people who actually are active in the chat)
I didn't think anyone would need to list why Bababootlicker blocked them
For instance he blocked me in text chat because I kept rebutting his arguments
I'm more eloquent in text as compared to vc
<:thistbh:582698435896147978> <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697>
Here's the one that the Jannies would probably classify as a threat:
still not sure if he got doxxed, though
Wew lad
Fuck, man
I'm probably the best person here for mining salt from him
to my knowledge, I've never seen somebody else elicit such a response from him
**Shit, this is legitimatly as low-quality as the retorts that I get from my 15 y/o brother (Who....seems to me to be just a LITTLE bit retarded, while also having some anger issues)**
Meanwhile the only guy I have blocked from this server is the one who spam-shills for JA4 or something over in Gymnasium, and it's only because it collapses his shillposts to where I can scroll past them easier.
also lol baba blocked you
Ah, yes
makes sense
him shilling JA2 is pretty cringe
That one's kinda old news, the statue got removed like last week
But still
It *is* happening =P
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck looking at that screenshot of livid scrooge, I think he meant that bikini-swimsuits sexualise children.
Of course, playing devil's advocate.
little boots is still here?
also, the ability to co-opt an image/icon for a political side has been done forever
the alt-right and 4chan did it with milk for fucks sake
And pepe the frog
And the ok sign
And bowl cuts
Although these were mainly done to troll the media and it worked
Kinda stupid tbh