Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 598946461991960585
*bitches about monosyllabic name calling*
_puts the boot in with facts and logic_
*still bitching*
_subtly needles the mod for being a boomer_
*bitches louder while stomping around with a belt*
_grins and watches the fireworks_
*remind to act polite and not give bad impression to newcomers*
_laughs uproariously_
*pulls dick out of mods ass so he can actually reach target with belt*
*thinks about newcomers going to hell for being degens and liking anal*
_posts dated meme_
*disarms belt, throat-fucks mod*
*calls out reposting loser*
welp I guess I cant talk for a turn at least
*getting throat fucked....
_laughs at the mod gobbing off a n00b._
*pulls out, sprays room with load to establish dominance*
*shits on floor*
*same* *how did I even get here*
*cover the kids' eyes*
_wonders how far this farce will go on..._
*makes mid-20th century germany reference for breaking the chain*
_sods off, the conversation is now boring._
*wishes I could just die in peace already*
_makes one last remark hinting at possible obligation_
*insists on having final word*
*wont give into the pressure of last word standing*
*doubles down on last word*
_wonders if the mod will enforce said last word with lock_
*i can ban you if need be*
_called it._