Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 598950411675893823
*dares mod to do his best*
*hovers over perma fuck off button*
*disappears in shame, pretending this never happened*
*sucks own dick for a victory lap*
Are you guys done jerking each other off yet?
*fuck off killjoy*
*boasts victory to n00bs*
_remarks how lesser mod is a bigger buzzkill than Buzz Killington_
*angry remark about shitty joke being, in fact, shitty*
*pretending to be naive and ask about Buzz Lightyear*
_makes references to falling with style_
*remember "we arnt aiming for the van" and twin towers meme*
*regurgitates alex jones tirade*
*reference to something about water being a gay bomb baby*
_points out that jet fuel can weaken steel beams_
*retorts with "what about WTC7"*
_concedes the point about WTC7 and mentions missing gold_
*remembers dump trucks leaving basement day before*
*(((9/11 reprort)))*
*dont OwO its a $300 fine*
_about tree fiddy_
*aboriginals are the missing link*
*laughs actually out loud*
*cannot let totally bannable fuck get last word*
*cosplaying sad panda*
*without costume*
_cackles madly at last word fight_
*claims personal friendship with admin*
_presses X to doubt <:Doubt:588038713938804760>_
*hides dick and balls from scary man*
*flexes at perceived win*
_weird flex but okay_
*concedes possible win due to hunger*
*takes victory lap to kitchen, fully expecting win to stand*
_makes accusation of election tampering_
*remembers its not rigged you are just losing*