Message from @Weez
Discord ID: 615622190250852390
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for Deleted User 91283781724#5358, +Silence, -Xenos
``` Deleted User 91283781724#5358, +Silence```
No decompression incoming
No reason to come back to the game
FUCK the UCAV tbh
*I definitely wasn't the guy using the UCAV...*
No no no listen
I can respect the odd cheeky recon using an UAV to run over people
It takes luck, skill and effort to run people over with the recon UAV
The UCAV is just a remote-control pocket quadrakill of retardation
It's beautiful is what it is!
And its bullshit
Da comrade, you can have your helicopters for some shekels
I hated OP locker tbh
| No XM25 |
Operation locker is fun as long as you get rid of the indirect kill bullshit
Of which 90% belong to the support class
Hardcore OP locker on the other hand
XM25 Airburst, UCAV and Mortar are fucking bullshit in the meatgrinder maps
That was fun!
The only thing of the other classes that is usually banned in locker
Is the M320 bouncy (forgot the name)
That grenade launcher
You know the one, where the m320 basically fires a frag grenade into the room
Instead of a grenade that explodes on impact
I remember
Damn it's been years since I played Battlefield
The latest two games have been abysmal
The impact M320 is fun cause you need a direct hit to get an insta kill