Message from @Timeward

Discord ID: 615624738445983755

2019-08-26 19:06:59 UTC  

I remember

2019-08-26 19:07:09 UTC  

Damn it's been years since I played Battlefield

2019-08-26 19:07:17 UTC  

The latest two games have been abysmal

2019-08-26 19:07:31 UTC  

The impact M320 is fun cause you need a direct hit to get an insta kill

2019-08-26 19:08:07 UTC  

Otherwise its only good for lucky splash kills, lucky through the wall kills, or just bursting through walls in general

2019-08-26 19:08:08 UTC  

You need some skill, yeah

2019-08-26 19:08:50 UTC  


2019-08-26 19:08:50 UTC  

If a wall is destructible

2019-08-26 19:09:13 UTC  

And you shoot the M320 at the exact spot someone is hiding behind

2019-08-26 19:09:14 UTC  

Thats a one hit kill too

2019-08-26 19:09:48 UTC  

I didn't use the destruction too much tbh

2019-08-26 19:10:22 UTC  

Honestly the best thing of operation locker and meat grindy maps is playing with a squad in voice comms

2019-08-26 19:10:50 UTC  

Friends and I did that a few times

2019-08-26 19:10:52 UTC  

It was good!

2019-08-26 19:10:53 UTC  

Something I learned playing those maps a lot is that in the chaos of the meat grinding, a single well organized squad can change the tide of a battle

2019-08-26 19:12:10 UTC  

I cant even tell you how many times me and my buds turned a battle around by just being smart or focusing our combined efforts instead of just throwing ourselves into the grind

2019-08-26 19:12:21 UTC  

Yeah I know what you mean

2019-08-26 19:12:28 UTC  

It's like that in basically all games though tbh

2019-08-26 19:12:42 UTC  

Yeah but it shows the most in locker tbh

2019-08-26 19:12:54 UTC  


2019-08-26 19:12:55 UTC  

Because you know how the map gets locked in choke points right?

2019-08-26 19:13:32 UTC  


2019-08-26 19:13:35 UTC  

The typical spots

2019-08-26 19:13:41 UTC  

At any point on the other side of those choke points, there are x people of the enemy team

2019-08-26 19:13:58 UTC  

Of those people, only x/2 are ready to shoot you

2019-08-26 19:14:23 UTC  

The other half are healing, getting ammo, and just hyping themselves to run in front of the choke point to shoot

2019-08-26 19:14:33 UTC  

They arent ready to fire if you burst through.

2019-08-26 19:15:01 UTC  

If you do burst through, you can shoot the people on the other choke points in the back for about 5 seconds before they realize what happened

2019-08-26 19:15:27 UTC  

Yeah I suppose

2019-08-26 19:15:41 UTC  

So essentially if you want to capture that point

2019-08-26 19:15:46 UTC  

Get the squad organized

2019-08-26 19:16:04 UTC  

And throw enough bombs and shit to kill a couple of the active shooters on the other side

2019-08-26 19:16:12 UTC  

Make it through and lead by example

2019-08-26 19:17:04 UTC  

If you get just a couple more kills the rest of your team in that choke point will push through and the enemy' defense in that choke point will collapse almost immediatly if you do it right and fast enough

2019-08-26 19:18:14 UTC  

Then you can get the other chokepoints and boom, you have like 10 seconds to mount your defense before 20 players start barreling down from their closest respawn point

2019-08-26 19:18:29 UTC  


2019-08-26 19:19:31 UTC  


2019-08-26 19:20:10 UTC  

Adter you clear out the capture point you gotta mount up quick to be able to keep it

2019-08-26 19:20:47 UTC  

But usually those guys are so used to defending by that point you can get like 5 minutes to relax and prepare to either do the same thing again or just get ready for them to try it

2019-08-26 19:21:39 UTC  

Worked about half the time

2019-08-26 19:21:49 UTC  

And it was glorious every time wether it worked or not