Message from @yordanyordanov

Discord ID: 620149559191928843

2019-09-08 06:49:16 UTC  


2019-09-08 06:49:18 UTC  

Genetics and environment one is raised in play a larger factor

2019-09-08 06:49:25 UTC  

You need to have THE WILL to do it.

2019-09-08 06:49:35 UTC  

That's the lesson I learned this lifetime.

2019-09-08 06:49:56 UTC  

Everything is possible as long as you go to GROW THE WILL to actually do it.

2019-09-08 06:49:57 UTC  

Tell that to the mongoloids with down syndrome beating their chests going Nyaaargh

2019-09-08 06:50:14 UTC  

I'm telling it to them.

2019-09-08 06:50:19 UTC  

But their own way.

2019-09-08 06:50:37 UTC  

The trick with the mongoloids is to STAND UP to them.

2019-09-08 06:50:55 UTC  

You realize what down syndrome is right?

2019-09-08 06:51:14 UTC  

If you haven't noticed it yet, the muzzies totally loose it when you stand it up and do not let go.

2019-09-08 06:51:21 UTC  

Oh, sorry

2019-09-08 06:51:37 UTC  

I thought you were referring the muzzies again.

2019-09-08 06:51:41 UTC  

Down syndrome individuals have an average IQ of 25 to 30

2019-09-08 06:51:58 UTC  


2019-09-08 06:52:10 UTC  

The highest being 59

2019-09-08 06:52:13 UTC  

Well, then the trick is the same as you do with animals.

2019-09-08 06:52:56 UTC  

They need training, although it's not very humane.

2019-09-08 06:53:16 UTC  

Train them just as you will your dog, or horse.

2019-09-08 06:53:43 UTC  

I believe with enough willpower everything is achievable. But the keyword is ENOUGH.

2019-09-08 06:54:15 UTC  

Many times people are just not willing to do what it takes.

2019-09-08 06:54:28 UTC  

Anythings a dildo if you're brave enough.

2019-09-08 06:54:47 UTC  

Emphasis on bravery

2019-09-08 06:55:45 UTC  

@RyeNorth What do you mean in your sarcasm?

2019-09-08 06:56:15 UTC  

Quite literally not everyone CAN do it, no one is equal in this world

2019-09-08 06:56:56 UTC  

You people don't understand the power of willpower.

2019-09-08 06:57:19 UTC  

May be, you are just too lazy to try.

2019-09-08 06:57:23 UTC  

I mean to illustrate that while it sounds inspirational, it's a cracked and flawed statement to say willpower can overcome absolutely anything.

willpower can overcome **something**, but not **everything**

2019-09-08 06:58:19 UTC  

I didn't say "absolutely"-there is always the need of technological time to achieve something.

2019-09-08 06:58:47 UTC  

But, THEORETICALLY-yes, it can do anything.

2019-09-08 06:58:56 UTC  

Given the time and the resources.

2019-09-08 06:59:18 UTC  

It's just important to stop being a lazy ass.

2019-09-08 06:59:22 UTC  

Willpower means nothing to the functionally retarded

2019-09-08 06:59:23 UTC  

There isn't an amount of willpower that will let someone with an extreme learning disability overcome a chess master