Message from @NinjaQuick

Discord ID: 618516537174654976

2019-09-03 18:40:28 UTC  


2019-09-03 18:40:31 UTC  

It is a spectrum

2019-09-03 18:40:46 UTC  

And socialists are the problem just like nationalists are.

2019-09-03 18:40:57 UTC  

Being a democrat is being an insane radical.

2019-09-03 18:40:59 UTC  

Honestly, most lefties are just on the media hook.

Same as most conservatives, just a different media pulling their string.

2019-09-03 18:41:26 UTC  

Not even, I live in Seattle, it is very much traditionally left of center

2019-09-03 18:41:33 UTC  

Every now and then I'll see something out of Breitbart, Fox, or some other conservative rag that makes me eyeroll so hard it causes eye strain.

2019-09-03 18:41:41 UTC  

And they are pretty irritated by how socialist and communist shit has gotten.

2019-09-03 18:42:03 UTC  

Then why won't they speak out?

2019-09-03 18:42:18 UTC  

Why don't moderates on the right speak out?

2019-09-03 18:42:20 UTC  

Why do they keep letting socialists and communists fucking take over?

2019-09-03 18:42:34 UTC  

hey dudess

2019-09-03 18:42:34 UTC  

Because the annoying few are jsut that, a few, and lack the power to do anything.

2019-09-03 18:42:41 UTC  

anybody know how to fill the void?

2019-09-03 18:42:46 UTC  

Communists can't take over if they don't get enough votes.

2019-09-03 18:42:55 UTC  

@macka - Stick your dick in it.

2019-09-03 18:43:02 UTC  

in the void?

2019-09-03 18:43:06 UTC  


2019-09-03 18:43:20 UTC  

that's kind'a difficult. and i should think that would only suck me further in

2019-09-03 18:43:32 UTC  

We already stepped Hella away from previous political people because they were liberal and turned coat to socialist.

2019-09-03 18:43:53 UTC  

We want democratic and fair policy, not socialist retardation.

2019-09-03 18:44:08 UTC  

The problem is people in power get drunk with it the. Get authoritarian.

2019-09-03 18:44:15 UTC  

Tell that to the presidential debates.

Half of what Democrats were saying just ten years ago would be branded as "far right" today.

2019-09-03 18:44:17 UTC  

And then get voted out/replaced.

2019-09-03 18:44:19 UTC  


2019-09-03 18:44:24 UTC  

And dems aren't going to win.

2019-09-03 18:44:37 UTC  

Because they picked all socialist loonies

2019-09-03 18:44:48 UTC  

that's because Dems today are all about "oh no, we can't make people feel bad"

2019-09-03 18:44:57 UTC  

Rather than actual liberal democrats.

2019-09-03 18:45:01 UTC  

but they forget: Politics is all about making someone feel bad

2019-09-03 18:45:12 UTC  

it's just about picking the right people for the right reasons

2019-09-03 18:45:21 UTC  

Biden is the closest thing they have to a liberal Democrat.

2019-09-03 18:45:34 UTC  

I highly doubt the Dems are going to suffer that much, because a lot of the media companies are no longer about turning a profit. They're about evading campaign finance laws.

If you donate to a campaign, there are fiscal limits and you have to disclose.

If you buy a news company, there are no limits and your ownership can be anonymous.

2019-09-03 18:45:35 UTC  

And it shows in the polling

2019-09-03 18:45:48 UTC  

People want a center-left government

2019-09-03 18:46:20 UTC  

people will always want something on the center, i think

2019-09-03 18:46:24 UTC least Biden is ambitious and good hearted.

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids."

2019-09-03 18:46:39 UTC  

but retards fuck it up by pulling things too far in one direction

2019-09-03 18:46:43 UTC  

I mean the idea should have been house of reps be left leaning and senate be right leaning, with a term side flipping presidency.

2019-09-03 18:46:48 UTC  

Hey, it's a pack of animals right in front of me

2019-09-03 18:46:53 UTC  

So there's always a proper balance