Message from @Frost509
Discord ID: 650074619662958642
You did. <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>
π¦ autism did...
When the cats away the mice play
what is voice chat even for in this discord?
sense of human contact
i love boomers
I love how boomer is becoming an identity people want to adopt
boomer = sargon, no one else
I mean, boomers do have great guns in GoW so why not adopt it?
...sorry that joke was shit
Join voice chat and find out <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>
Seems rather tistic to me, 5/7, would recommend
Sargon is a gineormous boomer
Oh wow I just noticed I can't use my premium nitro emos here
What a typical boomer thing of sargon to do
nowadays, everyone is a boomer
we are all boomers now
I miss the old days when I could easily tell the generations apart...
You still can
but then again, that is a pretty boomer things to say
suicide bombers are literal boomers
My grandpa recently commited suicide.
He used a shotgun
What a boomer amiright
mama oooooooooo
That's a pretty epic way to go
Exercising the 2nd amendment
The 2nd amendment is such a boomer right tbh
You do buy boomsticks after all
Hmmm.... been thinking about getting my 2nd amendment equipment. Any recommendations for home use?
Get an 88 anti aircraft flack cannon
I guess a shotgun is the go-to solution
Or a pistol, but a shotty is easier to learn to handle