Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 647545846589816848

2019-11-22 21:12:26 UTC  

i would not. that is what the 4th is for

2019-11-22 21:13:04 UTC  

Well what about mass data collection in ways that could aid us in “progressing” humanity

2019-11-22 21:13:08 UTC  

As you see it lol

2019-11-22 21:13:27 UTC  

Such as AI using mass data to pick the best surgeries or do the best operation

2019-11-22 21:13:34 UTC  

spying is spying weather its for the freater good or not.

2019-11-22 21:13:37 UTC  

Etc etc. it can be used in sooo many ways like this

2019-11-22 21:13:47 UTC  

Voluntary mass data collection

2019-11-22 21:14:04 UTC  

This is what Facebook says they say all the data is actually given voluntarily

2019-11-22 21:14:08 UTC  

that requires an opt in system that can be avioded without hasstle

2019-11-22 21:14:15 UTC  

And they just collect and store it

2019-11-22 21:14:19 UTC  

Oh oh oh

2019-11-22 21:14:26 UTC  

Perhaps a law stating

2019-11-22 21:14:36 UTC  

That all mass data collection must be provably anonymous

2019-11-22 21:14:43 UTC  

the fourth. applies to all forms of intelegence gathering.

2019-11-22 21:15:05 UTC  

just as the first applies to all expression.

2019-11-22 21:15:14 UTC  

and the second applies to all arms

2019-11-22 21:15:21 UTC  

Not voluntary relinquishment of the data

2019-11-22 21:15:28 UTC  

The 4th does not protect that

2019-11-22 21:15:40 UTC  

that requires it to be volentary and not manditory

2019-11-22 21:15:48 UTC  

Ah hah

2019-11-22 21:16:00 UTC  

So perhaps a amendment or something that says it has to be voluntary

2019-11-22 21:16:08 UTC  

facebook is manditory, and collects fourth party infromation

2019-11-22 21:16:11 UTC  

And you must be explicitly asked every time

2019-11-22 21:16:46 UTC  

that is it collects not just data on the user, but the people the user knows

2019-11-22 21:17:02 UTC  

And of course in settings if your a total loser you can turn on. Automatically accept all requests

2019-11-22 21:17:09 UTC  

Which you know

2019-11-22 21:17:13 UTC  

Many will do that lol

2019-11-22 21:17:47 UTC  

As president I decree those who check that box aren’t allowed to vote

2019-11-22 21:17:50 UTC  


2019-11-22 21:18:09 UTC  

thus "do you want to share all information or none" wit hte none option still alowing you full acess to the service

2019-11-22 21:18:27 UTC  

yes, you can refuse the TOS and still use the thing

2019-11-22 21:18:46 UTC  

Unironic communists are also barred from voting

2019-11-22 21:19:11 UTC  

i am talking a bit seriously here.

2019-11-22 21:19:24 UTC  

This is done through setting up fake places for them to meet and cataloguing them then just blacklistng their votes

2019-11-22 21:19:35 UTC  

They still go to the box and everything it’s just not counted

2019-11-22 21:19:39 UTC  

And I’m serious about this

2019-11-22 21:19:43 UTC  


2019-11-22 21:19:52 UTC  

see now that i massively disagree with

2019-11-22 21:20:10 UTC  

Wahhh muh authoritarianism

2019-11-22 21:20:24 UTC  


2019-11-22 21:20:35 UTC  

Why let communists vote