Message from @Sheldon Cooper

Discord ID: 648691820762759188

2019-11-26 00:59:21 UTC  

the rest of the world, shall see our country united under one purpose, one god. and WE SHALL CRUSH EVERYONE MWAHAHAHAHAHA <:Trump_Pepe2:462291833427329035>

2019-11-26 00:59:30 UTC  


2019-11-26 00:59:47 UTC  

under a strong leader, who knows the vision of the people

2019-11-26 01:00:53 UTC  

OK look this is normie but here's the Wikipedia ranking of nations by trade as a percent of GDP. See us way down there with Yemen? OK who is the security guarantor of that Bretton Woods system you claim we benefit from?????

2019-11-26 01:01:58 UTC  

Remembering again that our biggest trade partners are *on the same damned continent and we control the oceans to either side of us.*

2019-11-26 01:02:39 UTC  


2019-11-26 01:02:45 UTC  

we dont need eurocucks and chinks

2019-11-26 01:02:47 UTC  

never have

2019-11-26 01:03:00 UTC  

our politicians were bought off to build their economies up by leaching on ours

2019-11-26 01:03:23 UTC  

deepstate is involved

2019-11-26 01:03:32 UTC  

i mean its pretty nasty but we're gonna make it out of it

2019-11-26 01:04:18 UTC  

Bretton Woods was not a profit making enterprise for us. It was a security arrangement. If you took our side in the Cold War we gave you access to global markets and even better our market the richest capital market on the planet. The problem being we won the Cold war a quarter century ago.

2019-11-26 01:08:20 UTC  

USSR collapsed fool

2019-11-26 01:08:23 UTC  

so yes we did win

2019-11-26 01:08:24 UTC  

get rekt

2019-11-26 01:08:49 UTC  

Silly foreigner, stay over in the UK channel, where you know stuff

2019-11-26 01:09:20 UTC  

Funny, Americans don't even know basic facts about their own trade.

2019-11-26 01:09:31 UTC  

you don't even know basic facts about the US

2019-11-26 01:09:41 UTC  

why do you act like an authority on US pol

2019-11-26 01:09:42 UTC  

Took a foreigner to teach them that. Now that is quite sad.

2019-11-26 01:09:53 UTC  

_didnt read anything you linked @Jym_

2019-11-26 01:09:55 UTC  


2019-11-26 01:10:00 UTC  

once a cuck always a cuck

2019-11-26 01:10:04 UTC  

it's been over 100 years since the UK was a superpower, you wouldn't get it @Sheldon Cooper

2019-11-26 01:10:11 UTC  

Well I mean he comes from a primitive nation. He probably just watches US TV and thinks it is real....

2019-11-26 01:10:52 UTC  

primitive un-unified behind purpose. quite sad really

2019-11-26 01:10:55 UTC  

@Jym He probably thinks everybody in America acts like the Kardashians

2019-11-26 01:10:59 UTC  

no essence of their tradition left

2019-11-26 01:11:02 UTC  

drowned by modernity

2019-11-26 01:11:05 UTC  

tsk tsk

2019-11-26 01:11:08 UTC  

very sad indeed

2019-11-26 01:11:50 UTC  

Was some stream I watched where a Bong was saying he understood crime in the inner city because he watched *The Wire* <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-11-26 01:11:57 UTC  


2019-11-26 01:12:03 UTC  


2019-11-26 01:12:28 UTC  

notice something about the wire though bong

2019-11-26 01:12:34 UTC  

they're all...

2019-11-26 01:12:38 UTC  

in brooklyn

2019-11-26 01:12:39 UTC  


2019-11-26 01:12:47 UTC  


2019-11-26 01:12:51 UTC  
