Discord ID: 648956530171052042

2019-11-26 18:40:55 UTC  

and they talk about fucking Russians

2019-11-26 18:40:59 UTC  

influencing our shit

2019-11-26 18:41:02 UTC  

twitter bubble is smaller than it thinks it is...

2019-11-26 18:41:02 UTC  

Are the cons projected 70% chance of majority?

2019-11-26 18:41:04 UTC  

doesn't seem that way AT ALL

2019-11-26 18:41:07 UTC  

That's a proven fact. @nayeon

2019-11-26 18:41:16 UTC  
2019-11-26 18:41:17 UTC  


2019-11-26 18:41:17 UTC  

russians may be doing something they cannot be trusted

2019-11-26 18:41:20 UTC  

Like the Russians influence

2019-11-26 18:41:22 UTC  

Denying that, is like trying to deny climate change. @nayeon

2019-11-26 18:41:25 UTC  


2019-11-26 18:41:25 UTC  

Don't tell me you're that stupid?

2019-11-26 18:41:26 UTC  


2019-11-26 18:41:27 UTC  

As long as we get to leave

2019-11-26 18:41:29 UTC  

climate change is a non issue

2019-11-26 18:41:30 UTC  

for us

2019-11-26 18:41:31 UTC  

in the UK

2019-11-26 18:41:33 UTC  

yeah it is

2019-11-26 18:41:35 UTC  

vocal minority shouts the loudest. Most voters don't even use twitter

2019-11-26 18:41:35 UTC  

its china

2019-11-26 18:41:39 UTC  

doing 90% of it

2019-11-26 18:41:40 UTC  

climate change is a hoax

2019-11-26 18:41:40 UTC  

Funny how long it took you to get that. Obvious photoshop. @MikuChan

2019-11-26 18:41:42 UTC  

the silent majority is nearly always tory... and Im pretty sure it will be this time

2019-11-26 18:41:49 UTC  


2019-11-26 18:41:50 UTC  

That is objectively false @nayeon

2019-11-26 18:41:57 UTC  

I had to literally email it to myself

2019-11-26 18:41:58 UTC  

US is doing a ton as well

2019-11-26 18:42:03 UTC  

China is twice as bad as the rest of the world put together, it's ridiculous

2019-11-26 18:42:04 UTC  

to fucking get it on my phone

2019-11-26 18:42:09 UTC  

thats why it took so long

2019-11-26 18:42:09 UTC  
2019-11-26 18:42:10 UTC  

Excuses for your photoshop @MikuChan

2019-11-26 18:42:11 UTC  


2019-11-26 18:42:13 UTC  

Pakistan/India too

2019-11-26 18:42:16 UTC  

It's mainly China, US, EU and India

2019-11-26 18:42:17 UTC  

I dont own photoshop dear

2019-11-26 18:42:18 UTC  

this server said they was for free speech but they banned people before lmao