Message from @Jokerfaic
Discord ID: 648333870177189898
@excursion12 (redha, richtginger) a max headroom meme
exquisit choice
yes, quite
you forgot Hulk and Darth Sion
Teddy was the superior Roosevelt
darth who?
Darth Sion is a character from KOTOR who was so powerful in the Dark Side he was immortal
and yes teddy based
proof presidents with facial hair need to come back
@Jamie get in voice chat cuck im stealing your woman
No please cuck me I don't deserve pussy im a lowly cuck
wtf just happened
Long story short
In Merlin's view: Jamie seceded pussy rights to Merlin and Merlin is trying to claim thy booty
I own @LmaoMoni 's vaginal rights now. I will prospect her mines. Thoroughly.
Race mixing is for mongoloids
how often do you get a boner while driving?
and why?
Merlin is Irish, it doesnt matter what race anyone is
not often, and certainly not with others in the car
@LmaoMoni okay, racemixer
usually just commuting to and from houston, at night, 20-30 minutes with nothing to do, the mind wanders
are just constantly thinking about femdom while you're driving?
@excursion12 (redha, richtginger) yes he is
it seems to always be on his mind
or other such lewds
I don't need sleep. I need answers.
a few times instrumental mix of Closer popped onto phone through car speakers, and that's basically instant arousal
Yeah that’s a better version ^
never watched john wick
Teddy still wins