Message from @Goodwood of Dank™

Discord ID: 640571698210668564

2019-11-03 15:11:18 UTC  

China would never do that, absolutely not. They know they did horrible things.

2019-11-03 15:11:51 UTC  

Japan on the other hand? They don't admit most of the shit they did even happened.

2019-11-03 15:12:13 UTC  

The Chinese wanting reparations from the Japanese as a Hypothetical

2019-11-03 15:12:32 UTC  

Naw I know, it's just unrealistic.

2019-11-03 15:13:23 UTC  

Lmao, I remember when people bitched about Obama not apologizing for Hiroshima and Nagasaki

2019-11-03 15:14:53 UTC  

There's no reason to apologize, the damage done was that of a firebomb. The bombs didn't even fission very much, think it was like 3% of the load?

2019-11-03 15:15:34 UTC  

Now Trump and Abe are Bros

2019-11-03 15:16:09 UTC  

i mean why should the US apologize for nuking the rice people

2019-11-03 15:17:57 UTC  

They started that shit, no apologies for ending it

2019-11-03 15:19:06 UTC  

yeah start shit get fucked

2019-11-03 15:19:09 UTC  

It ended the war, the people themselves should be thankful. Japan was readying for a mass suicide if they were mass invaded, it isn't like they really had the resources to keep up for another year.

2019-11-03 15:19:51 UTC  

If we had just kept firebombing then the casualties would have been much higher

2019-11-03 15:20:42 UTC  

plus it means less cute Japanese girls to fuck

2019-11-03 15:22:02 UTC  

Yeah, the difference between firebombs and low-fission nukes is that nukes destroy stuff cleanly and makes it impossible to rebuild over it. Showing them the power they had was enough to get a surrender, and if it didn't, the targets of both attacks were factories. They would have lost eventually.

2019-11-03 15:22:50 UTC  

Um, you do realize Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both vibrant commercial centers and ports once more, right?

2019-11-03 15:22:58 UTC  


2019-11-03 15:23:00 UTC  

They have been for decades.

2019-11-03 15:23:05 UTC  


2019-11-03 15:23:11 UTC  

I mean immediately.

2019-11-03 15:23:14 UTC  

The bombs we dropped didn't leave a whole lot of fallout.

2019-11-03 15:24:07 UTC  

Because they didn't fission very much, it did. Just not in a massive area.

2019-11-03 15:25:29 UTC  

Even if we shot all the Nukes, would we ever have a 'Fallout' Style Nuclear Holocaust?

2019-11-03 15:25:34 UTC  

But yeah, overall, nuking them twice was by far the better option for everyone involved. Just look at the casualty estimates for Operation Downfall, the proposed invasion of Kyushu.

2019-11-03 15:25:35 UTC  


2019-11-03 15:25:37 UTC  

Or are they not strong enough

2019-11-03 15:25:49 UTC  

2019 statistics on the ethnicity of mass shooters, a tale of two narratives.
One: 59% of mass shooters are white, 17% black
Two: 29% mass shooters are black, 51% white
What you say, massshootingtracker dot org is down? Welp, guess we'll never know which figure is correct.

2019-11-03 15:26:48 UTC  


2019-11-03 15:26:51 UTC  

>have a debate about a topic
>someone else does a mass text dump on a different topic
>scrolls all the relevant bits off-screen

2019-11-03 15:26:51 UTC  

The blast radius of the fallout 4 nuke was a pretty large blast. Meaning most likely a complete, or close to complete fission. The fallout leftover would be very low.

2019-11-03 15:27:28 UTC  

Just ignore it lol @Goodwood of Dank™

2019-11-03 15:27:30 UTC  

How bad was the Fission in Chernobyl then?

2019-11-03 15:28:01 UTC  

I don't think the explosion was a complete fission with that, think it was very low because it's still highly radioactive today.

2019-11-03 15:28:22 UTC  

Good Ol' Soviet Safety """Standards"""

2019-11-03 15:29:33 UTC  

>Soviet Union
>safety standards

Pick one.

2019-11-03 15:30:02 UTC  

*mic drop*

2019-11-03 15:30:10 UTC  

Basically with nuclear explosions, the higher the fission, the less radioactive the load after the blast, most of the payload fissions into standard uranium. With a low fission explosion the worry isn't the explosion, but the special uranium that gets sent into the atmosphere, the soil, and thus the water.

2019-11-03 15:30:41 UTC  

Hence a "dirty" bomb not really having much nuclear material.

2019-11-03 15:30:44 UTC  

Then everyone gets the Big Sick

2019-11-03 15:31:17 UTC  

Also, the higher the fission, the bigger the blast. The lower the fission, the lower the blast, but the stuff that was supposed to explode is much more radioactive, and is suddenly everywhere.

2019-11-03 15:36:11 UTC  

To end this physics lecture: Uranium 235 is the rare stuff that's dangerous, and uranium 238 isn't as dangerous. In a payload they use uranium enriched with 20% 235 which when fissioned becomes 238 (and sometimes 236)