Message from @everybodydothatdinosaur

Discord ID: 645015471128576011

2019-11-15 21:37:23 UTC  

oh, vacuum bag or whatsits?

2019-11-15 21:37:41 UTC  

The austere religious scholar should not have been killed according to him, should have been arrested xD

2019-11-15 21:37:50 UTC  

Never mind that he blew himself up during an attempt to arrest him lol

2019-11-15 21:37:55 UTC  

perhaps ironically

2019-11-15 21:38:05 UTC  

don't these fuckers resist capture with, like, volatile weapons?

2019-11-15 21:38:12 UTC  

like, you know, bombs or fire?

2019-11-15 21:38:26 UTC  

lol yes, people like Jeremy Corbyn are fucking insane lunatics that are essentially pro terrorist

2019-11-15 21:38:45 UTC  

it's obviously just political pandering, "anti-anti-communism", or in this case, counter-counter terrorism

2019-11-15 21:38:55 UTC  

For some reason being anti-western is a good thing in liberal circles

2019-11-15 21:39:01 UTC  

So being pro hezbollah and all that makes sense

2019-11-15 21:39:02 UTC  

Maybe he's just a really big fan of the old Mercenaries game on PS2

2019-11-15 21:39:17 UTC  

he thought the western nations could have gotten more points for a live capture

2019-11-15 21:39:27 UTC  

Bear in mind hezbollah is one of the most powerful terrorist groups on the planet, who has vowed to exterminate all jews, and is intensely focused on israel, getting funding from qatar, iran, and other big countries like that

2019-11-15 21:39:35 UTC  

Even Syria although Syria right now has, very little money

2019-11-15 21:39:54 UTC  

The washington post called the ISIS leader an austere religious scholar

2019-11-15 21:40:13 UTC  

One, these people hate the west, America, taht sort of thing and are rabid socialists, two they must position themselves against the U.S. and now particular TRump in all causes

2019-11-15 21:40:28 UTC  

oh boohoo, some movie or other called the taliban brave warriors or some shit

2019-11-15 21:40:32 UTC  

In order to, no matter what, always be against the other stuff

2019-11-15 21:40:52 UTC  

Yeah, and then you get weirdos like Cenk Uygar and his friends and family who also hate the jews and armenians and whatnot

2019-11-15 21:40:55 UTC  

But swear we are just good liberals!

2019-11-15 21:41:12 UTC  

There is a reason why these people support the left-wing side, that is our biggest enemies like, Qatar, and why they support the U.S.'s biggest enemy

2019-11-15 21:41:14 UTC  

it isn't coincidence

2019-11-15 21:41:36 UTC  

The fact Al-Jazeera runs the Young Turks and this is literally a Qatari intelligence outlet, should tell you all you need to know

2019-11-15 21:41:52 UTC  

It's a country that says death to americal iterally every day on it's governmeant controlled propoganda outlet, Al-jazeera

2019-11-15 21:42:07 UTC  

And word for word, we see it's articles in CNN, the New York times and so on, and the young turks is funded by them

2019-11-15 21:42:25 UTC  

Bear in mind, also, the Young turks is in control of the justice democrats and Cenk is running for office. So far 26 of their people in office, 10% of all democrats, in office

2019-11-15 21:42:33 UTC  

So, that's kind of uh... election intefferance methinks

2019-11-15 21:42:37 UTC  


2019-11-15 21:42:49 UTC  

Al gore, also got like, half a billion dollars from Qatar

2019-11-15 21:43:04 UTC  

So, it stands to reason, they would be in favor of these groups and these groups prefferred groups

2019-11-15 21:43:15 UTC  

That is, be Anti-american, pro-terrorist, given they are funded by the same people

2019-11-15 21:43:19 UTC  

And have the same general beliefs

2019-11-15 21:43:45 UTC  

I realize I'm going in to a rant and should probably should just make a video or write a blog or something, buttt

2019-11-15 21:43:49 UTC  

Here's a hilarious video, where he says Hezbollah is a major force of social justice in the world, the same thing Justin Treduea said about Fidel Castro and so on

2019-11-15 21:47:11 UTC  

Nnnnnot sure I buy cenk hates jews but okie dokie

2019-11-15 21:47:40 UTC  

also the "cenk denies the armenian boogaloo" is a dead meme

2019-11-15 21:47:56 UTC  

long since resolved

2019-11-15 21:49:04 UTC  

but yeah Corbyn's fuckin publicly slathering himself in anti-west partnerships

2019-11-15 22:04:05 UTC  

hezbollah is based

2019-11-15 22:41:53 UTC  

Glagnard Limpf is grabbing land; I expect the Militias that defended Bundy's farm will protest this?