Message from @TheSatireGames
Discord ID: 487272974362345484
LURKn' pio ha
she prob has no compass xD
I dont know anything about dating, cant help
I just woudl talk to a lady
It's okay. I am good where I am right now.
I forgave my family, just need to round it off with calling my father one more time.
ahh i hope he answers
there you go
I left him a message and he didn't call me back.
So I am just going to leave a forgivness message and call it a day.
my father is in prison and i dont know wich one. so how do i forgive him
just start calling around?
thats what I did
call one see if they have him listed or if they can find him listed
have you found his arrest record yet?
last time i heard he was transfered but didnt know where to. after that i kinda just went on didnt care bout it
maybe his mother knows i havnt talked to her in years
ya find out, that was my favorite part was tracking this guy down
@TheSatireGames Do you know the last place he was at?
I started by hitting his moms up then sister...
he was a crack head living in a suburban
my ppl!
If you know the area, then call the closest penitentiary.
they have directories, here in Louisiana
ill give my grandma a call this afternoon see wat she knows might be good I dunno
I hope you find him! 🙏
eh just forgiveness. no intention of being friends. jut neutral at this point. maybe tell him to forgive his mother. and find a way to find forgiveness for his passed father
I did that too. He still hates my mom with a passion haha.
he hits me up once a week now. asking for pics and sstuff
of muh kids
xD single mothers dont have that persona cus thier mothers. it comes before motherhood. the veil just opens when stress is applied
they're** lol
oooo sasha, I think you was the one who responded to me posting about my mom and sister throwing salt and shade on me for forgiving my dad.
my mom started sending me 1 word messages yesterday, after a week.
after she found out she sent message after message making fun of forgiveness
total melt down
It has been the best thing tho