Message from @ryvergate

Discord ID: 641214374656344075

2019-11-05 09:49:16 UTC  

are you exited for kotor movies guys

2019-11-05 09:49:24 UTC  

Remember its made by the ~~disgraced~~ directors of GOT

2019-11-05 09:49:35 UTC  

appearently the deal was so bad not even Dumber and dumber would take it

2019-11-05 09:49:45 UTC  

idk if thats a plus or a minus

2019-11-05 09:49:53 UTC  

Bruh they dropped out?

2019-11-05 09:49:55 UTC  

Like, I got no illusions that Fallen Order won't be meh, because modern game design sucks, but at least if it's linear, it can't go full ubisoft

2019-11-05 09:50:07 UTC  

i heard they did, 2 sec ill try to back that up

2019-11-05 09:51:18 UTC  

get hyped

2019-11-05 09:52:01 UTC  

why have DND when you could instead have a ***___BlAcK WhaMEN___***

2019-11-05 09:52:27 UTC

2019-11-05 09:53:37 UTC  


2019-11-05 09:55:07 UTC  

Wew, Fallen Order releases in 10 days? Shit son

2019-11-05 09:55:19 UTC  

Doesn't look good tbh

2019-11-05 09:55:20 UTC  

It was like 6 months away. How do time works

2019-11-05 09:55:44 UTC  

Time fucking sucks

2019-11-05 09:56:04 UTC  

Life is limited by time your going to fucking die

2019-11-05 09:56:24 UTC  

No shit

2019-11-05 09:56:50 UTC  

I’m doomer enough tonight

2019-11-05 09:56:57 UTC

2019-11-05 09:57:00 UTC  


2019-11-05 09:57:01 UTC  


2019-11-05 09:57:07 UTC  

You live like it ain't true so you have to be reminded

2019-11-05 09:57:15 UTC  

When is to busy/lazy to nightwalk so just lays in bed wanting to be free

2019-11-05 09:57:34 UTC  

*Que in "I want to break free"*

2019-11-05 09:57:40 UTC  

just get a gf and a job its easy fam

2019-11-05 09:57:41 UTC  

Unending existential crisis is the closest to truth you'll get

2019-11-05 09:57:45 UTC  

Mfw no gf

2019-11-05 09:58:07 UTC  

buying gf

2019-11-05 09:58:15 UTC  

Selling gf

2019-11-05 09:58:20 UTC  

Mfw being a wagie on the plantation sounds worse than death but I have no choice

2019-11-05 09:58:31 UTC  

Choke down my fake it and make it medicine and grind on

2019-11-05 09:58:44 UTC  


2019-11-05 09:58:48 UTC  


2019-11-05 09:58:52 UTC  

elaborate nigro

2019-11-05 09:59:02 UTC  

That's where I keep my niggers

2019-11-05 09:59:26 UTC  

> black ~~sex~~ slave gf

2019-11-05 09:59:37 UTC  

>plantation = where to corporate masters keep their wage slaves

2019-11-05 09:59:54 UTC  


2019-11-05 10:00:05 UTC  

If you absolutely do have to have sex slaves, why would you have black sex slaves?

2019-11-05 10:00:19 UTC  

Why wouldn't you