Message from @Tea Pope

Discord ID: 641397872574726145

2019-11-05 22:04:05 UTC  
2019-11-05 22:04:09 UTC  

@JagdPanther and what you're doing.... isn't?

2019-11-05 22:04:13 UTC  

When DIDN'T gays get yeeted by religions lmao

2019-11-05 22:04:31 UTC  

Pagans support the big gay

2019-11-05 22:04:32 UTC  

nibba if you want to have an actual conversation about theology we can dm or something

2019-11-05 22:04:33 UTC  


2019-11-05 22:04:34 UTC  

>stalin said all capitalist are pigs, that's not necessarily what communist believe

2019-11-05 22:04:35 UTC  


2019-11-05 22:04:53 UTC  

Thats modern Phsyop shit to keep the whites away from their real faith

2019-11-05 22:04:54 UTC

2019-11-05 22:05:22 UTC  

see we can all at least agree that communism is bad

2019-11-05 22:05:25 UTC  

Meanwhile, wicca existed alongside paganism for a long ass time

2019-11-05 22:05:26 UTC  

communism can be kinda epic

2019-11-05 22:05:38 UTC  

stalinism is pretty funny

2019-11-05 22:05:42 UTC

2019-11-05 22:05:51 UTC  

Yes everyone except baba @excursion12 (redha, richtginger)

2019-11-05 22:05:57 UTC  

Kill the reds

2019-11-05 22:06:07 UTC  

They're worse than pagans

2019-11-05 22:06:09 UTC  

Christians and pagans unite against commies

2019-11-05 22:06:17 UTC  

I'm ok with this

2019-11-05 22:06:18 UTC  

depends on the commie

2019-11-05 22:06:22 UTC  


2019-11-05 22:06:24 UTC  

All commies

2019-11-05 22:06:31 UTC  

Fuck communism above everything else

2019-11-05 22:06:32 UTC  

"depends on the commie" nigga...

2019-11-05 22:06:35 UTC  


2019-11-05 22:06:45 UTC  

socialism in one country is epic

2019-11-05 22:06:52 UTC  

@Coolitic Im talking about the modern liberal co-opting of paganism to keep the based whites away from it, and in their (((Christian))) faiths

2019-11-05 22:06:56 UTC  

nigga you trollin

2019-11-05 22:06:57 UTC  

Communism is literally the antithesis of civilization

2019-11-05 22:06:58 UTC  

international socialism is cringe

2019-11-05 22:07:35 UTC  

And for all the retards who keep whining about Christians being peaceful n shit

2019-11-05 22:07:45 UTC  


2019-11-05 22:07:47 UTC  

like who

2019-11-05 22:07:56 UTC  


2019-11-05 22:07:59 UTC  

Keep in mind that Jesus encouraged everyone to sell all their belongings to buy a sword

2019-11-05 22:08:15 UTC  

<:thinkcide2:462282425486147585> relevant how?

2019-11-05 22:08:28 UTC  

ragging on all communism is such a boomer take

2019-11-05 22:08:29 UTC  

And yet he tells you to love thy neighbour