Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 641726970593280000
i stopped caring about anime when i correctly predicted shit that was going to happen in ever new one i watched
A bunch of betas whacking off to 2d girls is degeracy at its finest
no, anime's still degen
anime died
it died around 2009/2010
Once the beta males started to latch onto it more
smh, three uncultured idiots whining about people liking things they don't like
POKEMON - the only good anime , enough
IIRC, I started getting into manga around....2007-2009? I started with Naruto, unsurprisingly
Anime is just like the western media yo. Eventually you gotta sift through what's good and what isn't. What works for you and what doesn't.
and my first anime was Speed Racer, AFAIK
I don’t mind anime I mind what it turned into
@Jun The difference is with anime you're likely to actually find something good eventually, and with western media you really aren't any more.
^ plus boobz
also boobz yeah
And my point
not your point
if you want to see penises, go watch marvel
black panter
OG Dragon Ball
Stardust Crusaders
or watchmen
funny how it's always in superhero movies
@Eirshy Sure but since I'm someone who once watched literally everything that was tossed at him I just have higher standards by now (and mostly to have free time to do other stuff) but overall yeah... Now that I can chose what I want I'm not troubled anymore.
Admittedly I only watch 0-2 series a season
Look I’m not defending western shit. It’s garbage but anime culture has become degenerate.
from a season*
It always was?
Anime was always like this
People still enjoy it
the degeneracy is the selling point
>I no likey what my animos has become
shut the fuck up
Shit, the first Anime I've fully watched DURING the season it was aired was probably Okaa-san
I still need to watch Toaru Accelerator tho
I'm only on like episode....6?