Message from @Ethaneth
Discord ID: 641727905046462504
OG Dragon Ball
Stardust Crusaders
or watchmen
funny how it's always in superhero movies
@Eirshy Sure but since I'm someone who once watched literally everything that was tossed at him I just have higher standards by now (and mostly to have free time to do other stuff) but overall yeah... Now that I can chose what I want I'm not troubled anymore.
Admittedly I only watch 0-2 series a season
Look I’m not defending western shit. It’s garbage but anime culture has become degenerate.
from a season*
It always was?
Anime was always like this
People still enjoy it
the degeneracy is the selling point
>I no likey what my animos has become
shut the fuck up
Shit, the first Anime I've fully watched DURING the season it was aired was probably Okaa-san
I still need to watch Toaru Accelerator tho
I'm only on like episode....6?
right after Accelerator yeets the Scavengers
lmao scrub
New anime is shit
Been slowly catching up on backlogged good shit.... I *have* the original Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
I never liked anime. It’s just irritating now since because of all the betas flocking around it
my next car that I buy will be a .... NIISAN <:Veemote:501103628883591188>
Just need to start it up still
@Cpt. Ovidiu absolutely NOT
@Eirshy I actually like the aesthetic design of the new one better
I even dropped JoJos because Golden Wind onwards are just dumb stories. The good parts have already been animated.
Dunno, SBR and Part 9 are alright
I'm not really 100% caught up on Pt. 9 tho
@ryvergate The art for Die Neu These is definitely better, but god damn does it suck not having it all out.
Hey look more anime degeneracy
I'm like...2-4 chapters behind