Message from @Riefen
Discord ID: 327719260501704717
Like the Trump Sweden thing.
Let me get in on this here.
Lol no
There are things I like about QR codes for postering. You can't slander a QR code. So you get to control the first impression with a kick-ass video.
Imagine instead of seeing some "that's racist" TV message, we put up a hate fact and then they aim their cell phone and meekly squirrel off to watch a video like this:
So we poster to raise awareness and get recruits. Those new recruits poster and we do some rallies every once in a while. Get a few recruits from those, and they help keep the cycle going.
Where are we taking this? Realistiically, what does step two look like?
I think both is best. Poster anti-Muslim posters before Saturday, but don't use Imagine a Muslim Free America. Save that til after Saturday, then when the death tolls start rolling in, send those out.
Get people thinking about what our nation would be like without their filth. @FairUse WA
Of course if there aren't attacks State-side then the impact will be lessened, but I would bet my home that there will be a grand finale to Ramadan in Europe
@Tedium The long term goal is to create a nation within a nation. We're not just engaging in activism, we're creating networks of likeminded people bound by a unifying ideology. Rallies are fun, but what they really serve to do is train our members to work together. Eventually we want our communities to do as much as they can to seperate themselves from the system.
You should wake up in the morning in a bed covered in sheets sewn by VA women, eat some eggs from a local VA farm, drive to a shop owned by a VA member and then get your car fixed by a VA mechanic.
We have these skills, we just need a lot of numbers to start making these things feasible.
The activism game will carry on for some time, and creating a media network and having more campaigns of practical activism will help.
Neighborhood watches serve an actual purpose while being activism. So does a food drive for White Americans.
This is exactly what our race needs ^
We must Organize
That's why we're all here, Cody. That's why I'm up at 1 am answering emails.
How exactly do we organize White food drives? What has been used in the past? I am from a destitute area and now live near a separate one. I'm heavily interested in that.
Well we'd need people, funding, and food. There also needs to be families who would wish to receive the food. I'm sure it's not too complicates, just takes preparation.
Lets say we have the resources. There is already a need. How do we enforce it benefiting Whites only? On the one hand, how do we keep police from shutting us down for being rayciss, and on the other how do we ensure that AntiFa cucks don't just take the food and destroy it?
As long as we aren't tax exempt or receiving public funding and are on private property cops can't do anything, but that certainly gives us larger roadblocks
We could learn from churches and do house calls for food drives
Brainstorming here
Just saw one of these irl. What are some colors we could use to color Europe and add a white fist for t-shirts of our own?
You're asking a legal question which can't adequatly be answered here. I'm not a lawyer. Seek competent counsel.
Rule of Thumb: Remember. You're allowed to do more than you think you're allowed to do.
Just as cops often often arrest people for "hate speech" where it's not illegal, we often think our actions will be illegal when it's not.
The Supreme Court consistently defends free speech. Why? So the media can continue spewing white-bashing hate speech forever. The liberals lit the Milo event on fire so we'd defend the same free speech the media's been using to crush us. So it's legal, even though the only people who act like its legal are the enemy.
Obviously, I can't tell a black man he can't buy my house because he's black. That would be racial discrimination. But I might have him complete an IQ test or see if applicants can delay gratification or solve task-related puzzles before hiring him. "And now, applicants, I'd like you to invent a wheel. Then design a two-story building."
But who says I have to advertise my house where he's ever going to see it?
As for private clubs and religious organizations, I've noticed the states regulate it with religious freedom in mind. If I were you, I'd see the Civil Rights laws in your state.
People come to the food bank for food. If you're giving away food, and they need it, they'll come to you. If you're doing it as a private club, especially a religious private club, you get make the rules about who's in and who's not.
There's a huge gap between what you can be arrested for and what you can be convicted of a crime for. Tons of arrests never see convictions or sentencing. I'm more worried about getting shut down than I am about getting convicted.
I never thought of IQ tests. Which religious groups (that are protected by US law) even believe that being black is unacceptable? The Mormons used to, but not anymore. If we are going to set up food banks under a religious guise, we need to obtain protected group status for that religion first.
The raised and clenched fist is inherently Leftist at this point, useless to us.
There are iffy legal aspects to everything. Not sure on speciality, but I hear @rflagg SC Is a big aqquanted with the law as his main profession.
Is it used for anything other than "black power"?
The fist, that is
Morning fellas
I believe a lot of Communists use it as well. @Riefen
@Kevin FL Good morning
Morning Kevin, we have a bunch of Florida guys now. That's awesome, the original Florida crew is who I saw making waves in the media first.
That's awesome how are they doing that
They postered UCF (I think) a long time ago and got a ton of coverage.
It's where the group's name first got spread around.
Oooh shit i remember reading about that lol
RT boys, twist the knife
Im trying to get an afghan machete . I have friend that is doing some work over there
Customs took the first one