Message from @Szayel's Pooppion

Discord ID: 502617495472046080

2018-10-18 22:58:41 UTC  

we are living in a time of long lasting peace

2018-10-18 22:58:49 UTC  

only beacuse of the nuclear bomb

2018-10-18 22:58:57 UTC  

It’s a spiritual battle

2018-10-18 22:59:01 UTC  

if it wasnt for nukes, we would be on ww4 by now

2018-10-18 22:59:02 UTC  

That’s all there is for sure

2018-10-18 22:59:09 UTC  

The last great conventional war that we were in was Vietnam

2018-10-18 22:59:17 UTC  


2018-10-18 22:59:45 UTC  

veitnam is quite an interesting war to study

2018-10-18 22:59:55 UTC  

The unconventional wars of our modern era dont even come close in terms of military and civilian casualties and infrastructural damage

2018-10-18 23:00:18 UTC  

but the age of countires marching their tanks and men through the battlefeild are long over

2018-10-18 23:00:25 UTC  


2018-10-18 23:00:31 UTC  

war is too dangerous nowadays

2018-10-18 23:00:36 UTC  

too much at risk

2018-10-18 23:00:38 UTC  

And too costly

2018-10-18 23:01:22 UTC  

Another thing I’m really tired of seeing/hearing is this “rape culture” stuff. That really pisses me off hardcore tho. Why aren’t these youngins talking about PARTY culture??? That’s the real problem . Not only for the drinking, drug use and promiscuity but also for the fact the likelihood for sexual assaults will naturally go up with all of those factors....

2018-10-18 23:01:26 UTC  

if we invented a way to 100% negate nukes, like a drone that would attach to them in flight and steer them into space,

2018-10-18 23:01:35 UTC  

we would have global war in a heartbeat

2018-10-18 23:01:43 UTC  

But ofc the kiddies don’t want to acknowledge the real problem

2018-10-18 23:01:59 UTC  

nukes are thge only reason things are peaceful

2018-10-18 23:02:08 UTC  

Agreed @Szayel's Pooppion - party culture is glorified

2018-10-18 23:02:29 UTC  

Yep and they sure ain’t talking about that

2018-10-18 23:02:32 UTC  

TV, music, etc

2018-10-18 23:02:34 UTC  

i kinda wish that i could go back in time and see what war throughout the ages was like

2018-10-18 23:02:39 UTC  

real war

2018-10-18 23:02:46 UTC  

not fighting insurgenies

2018-10-18 23:02:47 UTC  

So if they’re not going to talk about it I’m never acknowledging “rape culture”

2018-10-18 23:02:53 UTC  

You wanna party and drink and all that

2018-10-18 23:03:00 UTC  

Accept the consequences of what may happen

2018-10-18 23:03:06 UTC  

Indeed Kernal

2018-10-18 23:03:09 UTC  

Personal responsibility

2018-10-18 23:03:52 UTC  

Exactly, i definitely accepted the consequences of partying when i was younger

2018-10-18 23:04:18 UTC  

Had a DUI when I was 19 - I was an idiot

2018-10-18 23:06:41 UTC  

its almost like drinking and doing drugs makes you do things you wouldnt normally do

2018-10-18 23:06:48 UTC  

like flash your tits at a party

2018-10-18 23:07:00 UTC  

@kernalkrackerz military nowadays is actually held accountable for wrongful killing, etc... imagine back then when it was much more unchecked

2018-10-18 23:07:00 UTC  

Good evening everyone

2018-10-18 23:07:28 UTC  

men were tarianed to be as savage as possible

2018-10-18 23:07:32 UTC  


2018-10-18 23:07:50 UTC  

Indeed - kill with extreme prejudice

2018-10-18 23:08:05 UTC  

Hey mitch

2018-10-18 23:08:14 UTC  

reading about how an army 200 years ago operated compared to today is quite intresting