Message from @Zephyr Blackfish
Discord ID: 642430537276981268
Departed with thine father, it did.
Me, explaining the reasons why @Memes, Good boy should be sentenced to hell for posting such and image.
It's complicated
In the wake of my "TERFs are right about the Trans Movement" I posted this
That's the line I refuse to cross with my commissions @Zephyr Blackfish
$600 though
That is a convincing argument
I'm not gay but $600 is $600
There is a mark against that argument though, it's the same one shad uses
shad doesnt do commisions, he just takes random chat suggestions
Nvmnd, that's a completely different argument and not as good as cash
He's just a degen
Lines on paper, not real
I want another crusade!
Shadman protects other artists tbh
When he draws stuff other people dont have to
Yes we do actually bless firearms @CatVanViver
We bless explosives, mobile armor, rocketships, astronauts, soldiers, aircraft, the whole deal
Turkey won't stand a chance <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
Shoot straight
So glenn greenwald got attacked by a brazillian journalist
And the guy in this tweet is saying GG was the one who attacked