Message from @Szayel's Pooppion
Discord ID: 504256900024500249
@Surreal exactly 👏🏻
Jesse is secure in his views bc it’s the truth
Another reason he doesn’t get angry
Jesse’s politicon appearance is up on youtube
Jesse is a few inches shorter than Tariq Nasheed, who stands at the height of 6 feet 5 inches (1.96 meters) Is this correct?
I knew the leftist media would get outraged over Trump calling himself a nationalist
They know their PNC followers will eat up their nonsense and believe that nationalism is some whites-only phenomenon
Oh geez....
See that’s putting words in ppls mouths
Im a nationalist
Most people are, right?
Puerto Ricans are nationalists - why do you think they always have a flag in their windshield
The news media has to be fake when they’re this predictable
Wont be able to watch the show live since ill be in class - hope Jesse brings this up tho
Right, exactly
But it’s a time where being proud to be American is controversial
Or straight
What classes do you have?
Exactly, its a class at Georgetown, Measuring and Calculating Return on Investment for Social Media
Getting a certificate in social media management since i do it as apart of my job
Ohhh cool 😮
What’s your job?
A communications specialist
What they do? .o.
My first day of work was yesterday
I respond to public and congressional inquiries, run social media content, write blogs for a website, public relations stuff pretty much - how was your first day
I rather have my own business honestly - perhaps one day
What is the congressional inquiries and blogs for?
That sounds like a lot of responsibility
It was nice. I was getting alil over my head sometimes which I tend to do so I tried to take it easy and it remember it was only my first day
Like my mind went to obsessing over all the terms I need to learn and sales stuff...
yeah, learning the job's terminology and routine is the hard part but once you learn enough, it should be smooth sailing hopefully
blogs are usually informational posts - dry stuff though - congressional inquiries is when people from congress write us and we have to respond
how was the show today - i can't start watching until i get on the train this evening
if I lived in California, I'd try to be a public/media relations guy for Jesse
I saw that Bond posted for one not too long ago