Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 643879723067506736

2019-11-12 18:20:33 UTC  

ya.. 80% of the sodomy is committed by 5% of the popuation

2019-11-12 18:20:34 UTC  

if you have a population with an immensely higher average promiscuity, more depressed than normal, riddled with STDs, much less able to form stable long-lasting relations (which is a key ingredient for a healthy family environment), phucking transitions handed out like candy despite the propensity to backfiring horribly
yeah that's not a population that's likely to give a child a proper environment

2019-11-12 18:20:41 UTC  

A tiny proportion of 6.5% of the population.

2019-11-12 18:21:09 UTC  

the majority of these problems can be solved simply by keeping yo damn pants on

2019-11-12 18:21:16 UTC

2019-11-12 18:21:30 UTC  

but it so happens lgbt and promiscuity are really difficult to separate

2019-11-12 18:22:49 UTC  

I'll cede the transition thing, that's actual phyisiological alteration, but simple promiscuity or homosexuality aren't functionally relevant to issues with pedophilia or even home child abuse

2019-11-12 18:23:02 UTC  

@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex - how do you propose we enforce that tho? pretty sure almots every sluts parents told them not to be promiscuou... didnt stop them tho... and its well and good to say... and half of the adults might agree and follow... but half of the adults are like 'dont tell me how 2 live my life' and like 100% of the young adults are like 'dont tell me what 2 do'

2019-11-12 18:23:41 UTC  

also yeah, try enforcing some sort of sexual standardization in America, good luck

2019-11-12 18:23:42 UTC  

you don't just tell kids what to do/not do. you TEACH them

2019-11-12 18:24:03 UTC  

it doesnt matter, you arent their only teacher...

2019-11-12 18:24:12 UTC  

parents that don't teach their children are naturally part of the problem

2019-11-12 18:24:19 UTC  

you can teach them 1 thing, then they see something else on tv and learn that

2019-11-12 18:25:00 UTC  

also how many parents do you think taught their kids to be gay/

2019-11-12 18:25:12 UTC  

not every parent can individually teach their child, the fuck do you think schools are for

2019-11-12 18:25:43 UTC  

that's why you teach yo kids to think. people that are easily convinced by TV are the kind of utter imbecile the left seemingly assumes everyone to be. "can't let people see these wrong opinions, otherwise they'll believe what the evil nazis say!"

2019-11-12 18:26:30 UTC  

academic education isn't parenting

2019-11-12 18:27:00 UTC  


2019-11-12 18:27:13 UTC  

i never thought that lol, but then again im more of the scared straight kinda guy... 'sex is awesome... u are totally gonna want it... and u should get it.. but try to do it with singular partners... cuz otherwise your increases your chances for THIS *CUE STI POWERPOINT*

2019-11-12 18:27:22 UTC  

@Windleaf just another boring as fuck conversation with a sexual purist

2019-11-12 18:28:08 UTC  

society collapses because adults are free to fuck other adults in whatever category, and somehow the general consensus that kids aren't allowed just doesn't apply

2019-11-12 18:29:18 UTC

2019-11-12 18:29:28 UTC  

there are no minorities in the jetsons

2019-11-12 18:29:31 UTC  

let that sink in

2019-11-12 18:29:40 UTC  

makes sense

2019-11-12 18:29:43 UTC  


2019-11-12 18:29:44 UTC  

windleaf - the robots are a minority

2019-11-12 18:29:52 UTC  

and a slave class

2019-11-12 18:30:00 UTC  

Elroy would later grow up to become retroactively space-chinese

2019-11-12 18:30:06 UTC  

eventually white people get so angry that they're getting blamed for everything that there is an all out war against minorities and they are purged

2019-11-12 18:30:43 UTC  

Maybe blame the Jews instead

2019-11-12 18:30:53 UTC  

it's not simply who you're allowed to fuck, it's a sense of basic decency. don't go parading yo fetishes. that's why furries are hated so much despite having a (compared to some stuff out there) a mild fetish

2019-11-12 18:31:04 UTC  

windleaf - id also argue that there will still be minorities... like being blind... or stupid... or not stupid... or having webbed toes...

2019-11-12 18:31:19 UTC  

Maybe prove the wrong doiings of the Jew instead

2019-11-12 18:31:21 UTC

2019-11-12 18:31:33 UTC  


2019-11-12 18:31:45 UTC  

"It's the joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos"

2019-11-12 18:31:54 UTC