Message from @PineŦree

Discord ID: 552039086689615882

2019-03-04 08:00:45 UTC  

I think its impossible to get things done without debate/discussions

2019-03-04 08:01:04 UTC  

I mean ppl can make up fake facts and statistics

2019-03-04 08:01:20 UTC  

Whoever is smartest wins, not whoever is right

2019-03-04 08:01:58 UTC  

Yeah thats mostly correct

2019-03-04 08:02:05 UTC  

People don't respond to well-researched arguments, they respond to emotion.

2019-03-04 08:02:29 UTC  

Thats why i typically debate morals and ethical issues cause you cant appeal to stats

2019-03-04 08:02:34 UTC  

The video Kaitlyn posted just had a raid. Her other vids didn't have that. But youtube works with children of the lie

2019-03-04 08:02:58 UTC  

As long as you have a Democracy where the average person is given the ability to decide the priority of the country, it will turn out like this.

2019-03-04 08:03:06 UTC  

You can't trust anything on a screen the libs own it all

2019-03-04 08:03:48 UTC  

The very poor and very rich work together to target the middle class

2019-03-04 08:03:54 UTC  

Taxation is theft

2019-03-04 08:04:01 UTC  

Democracy got us into this mess, but we're supposed to believe the marketplace of ideas will get us out of this mess.

2019-03-04 08:04:27 UTC  

I just do good vs evil not philosophy

2019-03-04 08:04:41 UTC  

You can look at a situation and know good

2019-03-04 08:04:45 UTC  

Billionaires are evil.

2019-03-04 08:04:56 UTC  

Like the Covington children

2019-03-04 08:05:01 UTC  

And evil

2019-03-04 08:05:08 UTC  

Like hollywood

2019-03-04 08:05:13 UTC  

And media

2019-03-04 08:05:49 UTC  

Do not trust your own understanding

2019-03-04 08:06:14 UTC  

I dont like using words like good or evil

2019-03-04 08:06:28 UTC  

they dont convey enough meaning

2019-03-04 08:06:32 UTC  

Child of lie detected

2019-03-04 08:06:39 UTC  

kinda ambiguous

2019-03-04 08:06:51 UTC  

No there is

2019-03-04 08:06:53 UTC  


2019-03-04 08:06:56 UTC  


2019-03-04 08:06:58 UTC  


2019-03-04 08:07:15 UTC  

and in between yeah

2019-03-04 08:07:25 UTC  

No no in between

2019-03-04 08:07:25 UTC  

depending on the topic

2019-03-04 08:07:36 UTC  

There is no gray

2019-03-04 08:07:39 UTC  

Not really, evil is the opposite of good. What is good? A commitment to help over harm.

2019-03-04 08:08:03 UTC  

but actions can be neutral

2019-03-04 08:08:19 UTC  

Gray is told to you by people who want you to rationalize everything so everything loses meaning,

2019-03-04 08:08:35 UTC  


2019-03-04 08:08:44 UTC  

I cant really think of a moral topic that is black or white

2019-03-04 08:09:16 UTC  

do you guys have any

2019-03-04 08:10:18 UTC

2019-03-04 08:10:36 UTC  
2019-03-04 08:10:38 UTC