Message from @PineŦree
Discord ID: 552546027484217345
@Officer_Caleb I disagree with numbers that I've seen it's black people get shot by cops more per capita than white people but the majority killed by cops are white
@Deleted User I wasn't trying to defend the criminal he is like 90% in the wrong. I am just saying I don't think it was a suicide by police, because people actually do that
@PineŦree And 6.5% of our population commit over half of all violent crime, you know that right?
it is ten times more likely a black person will kill a white person than vice versa
From what I've seen and this is what I'm arguing @Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1 black people are killed by police at a rate of 7.something percent, where white people are killed at 2.something percent per million
I also disagree that BLM is protesting racist killings
(the media gets the benefits and views by using whites killings blacks)
BLM is primarily about stopping the problem of black people being killed by police
@Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1 What is the 6.5% of our popular btw
BLM is about manipulating people who are emotional. BLM is funded by evil scumbags like george soros who want to incite racial tensions for power and monetary gain
I’ve looked at FBI stats, Blacks and Whites are killed at the same rate.
does fbi recognize BLM as a terrorist group?
A new website created by Donut Operator on YouTube has created a website called:, is has some great information.
The vast majority of people killed by police are engaging in active Felonies, have criminal history, and pose a clear threat to the public or law enforcement. I study shootings quite frequently and often look at District Attorneys report of incidents.
@stevejobs why would the FBI reconise a movement as a terrorist organization
@Officer_Caleb we just disagree on the stats then I was using FBI statistics
Can you link them?
I’ve been trying to find them again however the Government has so many websites it’s crazy.
I'll see if I can look over lunch
Granted, stats do change.
Insane Clown Posse is also recognized as a terrorist group
whoop whoop
that ramen haired bitch is a tard
she tries to be progun but has the arguing capacity of dumping out a trash can
Imagine being at such a low point in your life that you get a face tattoo
And on top of that it's a bad one
Is that aoc?
Isn't she the one that wears the hoop earrings?
I think so.
I'm bad at keeping up with the politics and I try to keep to more moral arguments ya know
Why'd you guys post my tattoo?
Tim Poole was amazing