Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 645416857825968137

2019-11-17 00:12:34 UTC  

always have spares ready

2019-11-17 00:12:42 UTC  

lol; you won't be able to turn the lights on for 10 yrs

2019-11-17 00:12:44 UTC

2019-11-17 00:13:00 UTC  

good luck sending anything else to orbit when all the sats are toast

2019-11-17 00:13:04 UTC  

@ManAnimal why 10 years if everything is already prepared and ready?

2019-11-17 00:13:10 UTC  


2019-11-17 00:13:38 UTC  

10yrs are the projections of how long it would take to recover rom a Carrington type of event

2019-11-17 00:14:02 UTC  

the big transformers that are used in substations? that are a BITCH to build

2019-11-17 00:14:16 UTC  

6 mo each and only a few companies can do that work

2019-11-17 00:14:22 UTC  

so... that would effect ALL energy and technology. Why even think of it as a problem for space energy?

2019-11-17 00:14:43 UTC  

space would be even worse

2019-11-17 00:14:58 UTC  

we'd still need the energy companies for management of the energy

2019-11-17 00:15:02 UTC  

the effect would be orders of magnitude more damaging to any equip in orbit

2019-11-17 00:15:02 UTC  

so those wouldn't go away

2019-11-17 00:15:21 UTC  

and then you'd have to have the infrastructure to get thee energy to the planet

2019-11-17 00:15:28 UTC  

and distribute it

2019-11-17 00:15:37 UTC  

the last part is what the grid is for

2019-11-17 00:15:37 UTC  

it's mostly built already

2019-11-17 00:15:41 UTC  

just needs modifying

2019-11-17 00:15:54 UTC  

you cannot protect from a carrington level event

2019-11-17 00:16:10 UTC  

and we have no way of knowing what the worse the sun can throw at us

2019-11-17 00:16:11 UTC  

sure but you're asking a "what if" that also ruins what we have now

2019-11-17 00:16:34 UTC  

not a 'what if'; it will

2019-11-17 00:16:37 UTC  

without question

2019-11-17 00:16:56 UTC  

don't even bring it up when discussing future energy when it also effects the current system

2019-11-17 00:16:58 UTC  

it's a moot point

2019-11-17 00:17:03 UTC  

you just can't isolate the entire grid from that type of ionization

2019-11-17 00:17:31 UTC  

the future energy system would make things much worse if there were such an effect

2019-11-17 00:17:45 UTC  

if that futyre energy system involved the ionssphere

2019-11-17 00:17:52 UTC  

@ManAnimal there would obviously be failsafes, it's not like we're going to discuss the entire system right now

2019-11-17 00:18:09 UTC  

you can't build a failsafe for an inductor

2019-11-17 00:18:21 UTC  

problem with what if things.. is that we have no proof the something outside of our control wont come by and eliminate everything in our solar system. Just takes one rouge star or planet to ram through.. Or we hit something like a drifting black hole.

2019-11-17 00:18:25 UTC  

it's called a load shunt

2019-11-17 00:18:45 UTC  

we have no way to prevent the bubble universe from popping @ManAnimal better just end it now

2019-11-17 00:18:57 UTC  

that is a bit hyperbolic

2019-11-17 00:19:04 UTC  

so is your argument

2019-11-17 00:19:09 UTC  

one is a function of electrical power distribution

2019-11-17 00:19:20 UTC  

the other is a function of uncertainty itself

2019-11-17 00:19:33 UTC  

most climate change is hyperbolic .. The earth is over due for another ice age..

2019-11-17 00:19:50 UTC  

no let's continue with @ManAnimal 's moot point

2019-11-17 00:19:51 UTC  

can't change the current through an inductor instantaneously