Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 625840666773159977

2019-09-23 23:40:57 UTC  

Which isn't a big deal but bats don't reproduce quickly

2019-09-23 23:41:14 UTC  

So for migrating bats it's driving them to be endangered.

2019-09-23 23:41:31 UTC  

It would be a big deal if we went all solar and wind

2019-09-23 23:42:31 UTC  

With all the other pressure bats contend with it's just too much.

2019-09-23 23:43:30 UTC  

In the near term the biggest reduction in CO2 will come from fracking.

2019-09-23 23:43:55 UTC  

Nat gas does burn relatively clean

2019-09-23 23:44:16 UTC  

The problem is most releases are from pipelines which was like 30% a few years ago

2019-09-23 23:44:29 UTC  

Just fucking seal the pipelines jesus

2019-09-23 23:44:43 UTC  

Technology will fix that

2019-09-23 23:44:58 UTC  

why does literally everything go wrong with fucking pipelines

2019-09-23 23:45:25 UTC  

30% of profit loss wont stick around long

2019-09-23 23:45:39 UTC  

Well its not literally everything

2019-09-23 23:45:44 UTC  

That's changed. When the oil prices dropped they piped in a lot more because even the shit transfer rates were needed to make a profit. Since then we've put several LNG terminals online (they take a while to build). So Bakken and much of Permian are piped now. Not sure about Eagleford.

2019-09-23 23:45:46 UTC  


2019-09-23 23:45:55 UTC  

Not really

2019-09-23 23:46:01 UTC  

It just looks that way

2019-09-23 23:46:11 UTC  

Because when shit goes down

2019-09-23 23:46:16 UTC  

It goes DOWN

2019-09-23 23:46:45 UTC  

Less than nuclear but so than solar or wind

2019-09-23 23:47:04 UTC  

Im a fan of geothermal personally

2019-09-23 23:47:22 UTC  

geothermal seems good, just abolutely context reliant

2019-09-23 23:47:34 UTC  

can't exactly migrate a volcanic vent

2019-09-23 23:47:46 UTC  

I suppose you might think that

2019-09-23 23:47:57 UTC  

But seldom are volcanic vents used

2019-09-23 23:48:12 UTC  

or whatever the fucking terminology is

2019-09-23 23:48:21 UTC  

point is its a permenantly fixed point of energy

2019-09-23 23:48:27 UTC  

There is a lot of stable heat esp where there is tremendous pressure on water pockets

2019-09-23 23:49:03 UTC  

Typically they are on accessible enough places

2019-09-23 23:49:47 UTC  

bit more than spots for hydro-electric facilities

2019-09-23 23:50:20 UTC  

Hydro electric isnt the most efficient and can harm ecosystems

2019-09-23 23:50:29 UTC  

Depending on placement

2019-09-23 23:50:35 UTC  

dumb idea: harness hurricanes and tropical storms for wind and hydro power

2019-09-23 23:50:50 UTC  

Geothermal has zero impact long term

2019-09-23 23:51:02 UTC  

Which is funny

2019-09-23 23:51:13 UTC  

Cuz when my grandad did Coso

2019-09-23 23:51:24 UTC  

He had to fight Cali tooth and nail

2019-09-23 23:51:56 UTC  

Goes to show how ignorant the powers that be are in CA

2019-09-23 23:52:23 UTC  

Oregon isn't much better

2019-09-23 23:52:54 UTC  

They tried to stop the construction of a powerplant that will generate power until the earths core stops being hot

2019-09-23 23:52:56 UTC  

killed nuclear infrastructure and also logging industry out of fucking nowhere

2019-09-23 23:53:04 UTC  

Clean power