Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 630091701154742293

2019-10-05 16:03:16 UTC  


2019-10-05 16:03:19 UTC  

then again she is a socialist, so what do you expect a rat to do when the ship is sinking

2019-10-05 16:03:35 UTC  

They’re against the Republic

2019-10-05 16:03:51 UTC  

If you openly say you hate our country. You're free here, that includes the freedom to leave

2019-10-05 16:04:09 UTC  

Our way of life is challenged by them every day, and they won’t move because they want to and do control us

2019-10-05 16:04:16 UTC  

To some extend on the latter

2019-10-05 16:05:19 UTC  

They have settled for trying to control just the government. And make the government control everything

2019-10-05 17:03:49 UTC  

>Anonymous Individual says something bad about Trump. No proof provided to corroborate what said anonymous source is saying, though.

2019-10-05 17:05:55 UTC  

"Orange man bad because he asked somebody to investigate somebody else. Oh, Biden did something just as bad? Nah, ignore that!"
```Though Biden did urge Ukraine to oust a prosecutor who allegedly did a poor job rooting out corruption```

2019-10-05 17:11:28 UTC  


2019-10-05 17:13:12 UTC  

This likely won't end good.

2019-10-05 17:14:36 UTC  

```The president also latched onto another tweet Messing posted in which she praised a sign in front of an Alabama church implying that black voters who support Trump are mentally ill. Messing later apologized for "recklessly" sharing the sign and added that its use of the term "mentally ill" was "wrong & hurtful."

Trump called Messing a "racist because of the terrible things she said about blacks and mental illness" and added that if the actress Roseanne Barr — an avid Trump supporter — had said the same thing, she would have been fired. Barr was fired from her sitcom last year after making racist comments about an aide to former President Barack Obama. "Will Fake News NBC allow a McCarthy style Racist to continue?" Trump wrote, referring to Messing.

The actress responded by linking to a New Yorker piece this week that detailed Trump's wild behavior over the past month.

She added that she hoped "his family gets him the help he needs. Sad."```

2019-10-05 17:15:25 UTC  

Wow, her retort to him pointing out something--that people consider to be--racist, is to bring up mental illness

2019-10-05 17:15:47 UTC  

It's almost like Roseanne Barr isn't a friend to POC after all <:thinkgon:560211224923734026>

2019-10-05 17:17:00 UTC  

Though whether or not Trump is mentally-ill is kinda irrelevant

2019-10-05 17:17:14 UTC  

it would be a SHAME if people brought up HER history of mental illness

2019-10-05 17:18:59 UTC  

```Barr has a lesbian sister, Geraldine Barr,[59][60] and a gay brother, Ben Barr,[59][60] both of whom inspired her to introduce gay characters into her sitcom.[61] Barr has stated she supports gay marriage.[59] Geraldine was also Barr's manager while performing in comedy clubs and at the start of her sitcom. Geraldine claimed Arnold tried to dominate Barr "for his own reasons".[62]

After being fired by Roseanne, Geraldine filed a $70.3 million breach of contract lawsuit in Superior Court of Los Angeles County on December 18, 1991. She said Barr promised her half the earnings from the Roseanne show for helping invent the "domestic goddess" character in 1981, serving as "writer, organizer, accountant, bookkeeper and confidante".[63] Since it was six months past the statute of limitations, the suit was thrown out.[62]

On February 14, 2011, Barr and Geraldine appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show where Barr admitted the word "incest" could have been the wrong word to use and should have waited until her therapy was over before revealing the "darkest time" in her life.[66] She told Oprah Winfrey, "I was in a very unhappy relationship and I was prescribed numerous psychiatric drugs ... to deal with the fact that I had some mental illness ... I totally lost touch with reality ... (and) I didn't know what the truth was ... I just wanted to drop a bomb on my family".[66] She added that not everything was "made up", saying, "Nobody accuses their parents of abusing them without justification".[66] Geraldine said they did not speak for 12 years, but had reconciled.[66]```

2019-10-05 17:19:28 UTC  

```Barr is on the autism spectrum.[76]```

2019-10-05 17:22:53 UTC  


2019-10-05 17:22:55 UTC  

```I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it.```

2019-10-05 17:23:00 UTC  


2019-10-05 17:23:03 UTC  

What's the problem lmao

2019-10-05 17:23:07 UTC  

It's a Ukrainian server

2019-10-05 17:23:15 UTC  

Ukraine can check it

2019-10-05 17:41:47 UTC  

Castro: We'll power our economy on unicorn farts and kitten giggles

2019-10-05 17:42:40 UTC  

hamster wheels

2019-10-05 18:00:19 UTC  

Hamster wheels powered by """White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists"""

2019-10-05 18:16:52 UTC  

Gotta love how the Democrats are using colored populations as their base, but then will call Republicans racist for using the white population as their base.

2019-10-05 18:17:32 UTC  

Democrats abandoned the majority ethnic population for minorities that come en mass during the last 50 years

2019-10-05 18:17:52 UTC  

Through a immigration bill they said wouldn’t bring 10’s of millions of people into the country

2019-10-05 18:18:01 UTC  

But of course it did.

2019-10-05 18:22:43 UTC  

The dems will have a serious problem when 80% of whites start voting republican, which In my opinion will become like the AFD

2019-10-05 18:23:05 UTC  

2044 whites will be a minority but everyone will be