Message from @Nathan James 123

Discord ID: 632376483486367755

2019-10-12 00:35:15 UTC  

"A senior Pentagon official told Newsweek that the attack by the Turkish forces was so heavy that the US personnel considered firing back in self-defense but ultimately withheld their fire."

2019-10-12 00:35:21 UTC  

NATO "allies" firing on eachother

2019-10-12 00:35:25 UTC  

Wow, Turkey, such a good ally

2019-10-12 00:35:26 UTC  


2019-10-12 00:35:37 UTC  

Again, you're assuming we agree that Turkey is an Ally

2019-10-12 00:36:01 UTC  

>That's what you guys were saying our last discussion

2019-10-12 00:36:08 UTC  


2019-10-12 00:36:14 UTC  

Lmao, I didn't say they were an Ally

2019-10-12 00:36:21 UTC  

"you guys"

2019-10-12 00:36:39 UTC  

I dont think anyone did

2019-10-12 00:36:43 UTC  


2019-10-12 00:36:48 UTC  

Ally in Name only

2019-10-12 00:36:53 UTC  

Just because they are part of Nato doesn't make then our friend

2019-10-12 00:36:56 UTC  

That article doesn't actually say anything about what turkey knew about the spec ops team?

2019-10-12 00:37:00 UTC  

Their views are not in line with ours

2019-10-12 00:37:03 UTC  

you're in a server that really likes to say "roach", bear in mind

2019-10-12 00:37:05 UTC  

Europe after all are not our friends

2019-10-12 00:37:09 UTC  

It was certainly argued that they were our allies last discussion @Tiberius

2019-10-12 00:37:55 UTC  

So, if our Military Presence was what was Allegedly stopping the Turks from bombing the Kurds, why did Turkey bomb our guys?

2019-10-12 00:38:12 UTC  

@Hexidecimark the phrase we have is "special forces" and knowing press sensationalism that could be a stand in for anything

2019-10-12 00:38:22 UTC  

Because the majority of troops had been pulled out and the president *de facto* allowed Turkey to.

2019-10-12 00:38:25 UTC  

That's why

2019-10-12 00:38:25 UTC  

I love it when people finish their vapid statements with emojis like they think they have made some kind of point

2019-10-12 00:38:25 UTC  


2019-10-12 00:38:27 UTC  

Spooks get the Nukes

2019-10-12 00:38:42 UTC  

Probs is

2019-10-12 00:38:44 UTC  


2019-10-12 00:38:44 UTC  

still, if its not a buzzword, that might bring into question whether or not their positions/movements would be shared

2019-10-12 00:38:52 UTC  


2019-10-12 00:39:08 UTC  

They were at an established military base @Jokerfaic

2019-10-12 00:39:15 UTC  

And have been operating from there for the last few years

2019-10-12 00:39:23 UTC  

All things Turkey knows

2019-10-12 00:39:32 UTC  

US: "Lol, our Guys are in *Grid* please don't bomb them"
Roaches: "Lol, Ok sure"

2019-10-12 00:39:35 UTC  

Because you shared intelligence with them

2019-10-12 00:40:23 UTC  

Where does anything say they were in a base

2019-10-12 00:40:31 UTC  

Mr. Erdogan, please, pretty please don't bomb our Special Forces Soldiers at -Insert GPS Coordinates-

2019-10-12 00:40:49 UTC  

yeah looking through the links now, even keyword searching, nothing so far

2019-10-12 00:40:51 UTC  

It specifically states in the NYP article you put out that they were shelling *kurdish* positions

2019-10-12 00:41:14 UTC  

And that the US troops were *next to the kurdish positions*

2019-10-12 00:41:22 UTC  

the word "base" was not found in either of your articles

2019-10-12 00:41:43 UTC  

Nathan James everyone
let's get a round of applause