Message from @Tiberius

Discord ID: 633510865248714783

2019-10-15 03:38:49 UTC  

Thats a lot of revenue that grinds to a halt

2019-10-15 03:39:01 UTC  

it won't get too big. Just because we don't have the long storied history of china for putting down protests doesn't mean US police departments don't have the means

2019-10-15 03:39:03 UTC  

And a lot of angry hungry people in the streets

2019-10-15 03:39:39 UTC  

Police departments are going to shoot their own wives, mothers, sisters and brothers tho

2019-10-15 03:39:45 UTC  

Well most of them anyways

2019-10-15 03:39:51 UTC  

You do have the odd sociopath

2019-10-15 03:40:31 UTC  

But people here in the US put far to much stock in the "teh police is commin foh us" narrative

2019-10-15 03:41:02 UTC  

There isnt a single firearm I own that couldnt turn their plate carriers into tatters and powder anyways.

2019-10-15 03:41:21 UTC  

as things are now, sure enough, but those big shiney armored personel carriers and ordnance launchers aren't just going to gather dust when the wage slaves figure out they've been shafted

2019-10-15 03:41:50 UTC  

Most departments outside the mega cities dont have those

2019-10-15 03:42:08 UTC  

You are also forgetting national guard armories

2019-10-15 03:42:22 UTC  

Military members and brass with families that would be affected

2019-10-15 03:42:39 UTC  

for the ones that don't, there are fleets of armored vehicles sitting in nevada from all those lovely no-bid contracts the government is just waiting for an excuse to get rid of

2019-10-15 03:42:52 UTC  

There are a lot more variables that come into play in the states as far as civil unrest goes

2019-10-15 03:43:20 UTC  

Not even mentioning the most heavily armed populace on earth

2019-10-15 03:44:00 UTC  

not all the ar-15s ever produced can put up a fight against tanks and drones

2019-10-15 03:44:06 UTC  

Youre fucked in the head if you think that PD can keep a lid on 90+ million people with enough arms and munitions to fight a ground war for decades

2019-10-15 03:44:35 UTC  

You are implying the people with tanks and drones are all on the same side

2019-10-15 03:44:56 UTC  

And again in such close proximity its a numbers game

2019-10-15 03:45:26 UTC  

who the fuck's gonna come to the aid of the american underclass?! canada? UK? who the fuck is going to """intervene""" on our behalf?!

2019-10-15 03:46:00 UTC  

You keep insinuating the entire might of the US military is going to fall onto one side or another

2019-10-15 03:46:06 UTC  


2019-10-15 03:46:09 UTC  

All of them

2019-10-15 03:46:38 UTC  

they swore an oath to combat enemies foreign and domestic.

2019-10-15 03:46:46 UTC  

With large scale civil unrest depending on scale the country would probably just fracture

2019-10-15 03:46:49 UTC  

rioters are all too easy to be labeled the domestic enemy

2019-10-15 03:46:58 UTC  

And when your family is starving who becomes the enemy?

2019-10-15 03:48:40 UTC  

Oaths dont mean shit when your family is onnthe line, oaths are words if you think the entire us military is going to turn its collective power against the us populace you are delusional

2019-10-15 03:49:14 UTC  

If you think no foreign power has a vested interest in dumping gasoline on that kind of fire you are just blind

2019-10-15 03:49:58 UTC  

if you're about to unironically call me a russian bot I think I'm going to need a drink

2019-10-15 03:50:20 UTC  

I can almost promise china or russia would dump stingers by the millions into the hands of domestic rebels

2019-10-15 03:50:55 UTC  

Both of those countries would laugh as we tore ourselves to pieces and divied up the remains

2019-10-15 03:53:10 UTC  

getting back on track, I find it unreliably optimistic to believe the incentive for those in power to reconfigure economic processes around automation is overall greater than the immediate rewards of draining the current system until its dry.

2019-10-15 03:54:34 UTC  

It would make more sense to pull a socialism and have the state sieze the means of producing and using the AI and just force the populace to live off whatever assistance they deign to offer

2019-10-15 03:55:06 UTC  

Would profit more people in power and AI would be a pretty good excuse for taking control

2019-10-15 03:55:42 UTC  

I can almost here warren and sanders now "no single company should have this much power, the state should control this so we can destribute its benefits fairly"

2019-10-15 03:56:06 UTC  

well full-AI wasn't exactly in my equasion

2019-10-15 03:56:40 UTC  

I mean is that what's in these pizza-matic whatsits?

2019-10-15 04:13:25 UTC  

A computer and the mechanism necessary ro perform its task

2019-10-15 11:45:38 UTC  

The ar15 isn’t that good