Message from @007access
Discord ID: 623535034384777216
Drew this
Can you please keep this SFW
It is
Quit your bitching
throw yourself into the next landfill
Earth is one big landfill
And we are all trash
stop making excuses and pick yourself out of the trash
yea and your some kind of wiggeling piece of radiated mustard gas with tentaceles
it's not too late to fix yourself
kind of trash
just go gas yourself
Hi. I clipped a little part of my livestream last weekend where I was talking about my coach -Stefan Baumann - and showing the progress I've made over the last year. For those who are interested.
@πI Love Kiara π kπ
its better then the cringe that you post, furry faggot
Did you make that yourself, furry?
respect the muslims and throw yourself of a building they have other shit to do
Nah, fuck the muslims.
Seriously though, Judy, did you make that?
Naw but I draw furry porn
I can post some if you like
Okay first, if you didn't draw it, it doesn't belong here. **The gallery is for original artwork**.
Second, this is a SFW server: no porn or gore allowed.
just dont
your degeneracy doesnt belong here
@Mu ^^^
NSFW content will see you celled and/or banned from the server, stick to SFW stuff
Furry art is fine, as long as it's SFW
Has to be your own, though.
dayum you niggas racist against furries