Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 634103594227859456
breaking news a tranny lived passed the age of 30
I've also got a channel for LB's stuff
mostly him whining about getting tricked
that's all it is
and it's glorious.
this is an absolute classic
I think LB is Dotty
Nah, LB isn't Dotty
Dotty isn't that smart.
Prove it
LB just strikes me as someone with a massive fucking ego and thin skin
Prove that he is.
Livid strikes me as genuinely mentally ill
also, a 17-year-old
LB's older AFAIK
not that I can ask
he's blocked me for the 2nd time
Christ, I almost feel bad about ~~bullying~~ laughing at LB
because you know his reaction is 100% genuine
I don't know I have a Tumblr dedicated to Cenk Uygur being sent ads by porn bots
Why go all the way of blocking me twice, though
LB's not like MA's age
A holy crusade, I implore you brother
MA has an excuse for blocking me twice
he's basically got dementia
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck I dunno, only 2 people have me blocked, Bababootlicker and Monica
lmao what
why does MONICA have you blocked
Good question
Apparently me criticizing her idiocy is me bullying her
Oh, i see
I was under the impression that she only blocked people such as Ford