Message from @Borzo

Discord ID: 564690959577645056

That's why my favorite model of organizing political movements is the Marxist-Leninist vanguard.

2019-04-08 05:50:10 UTC  

Combining Marxist economics and Leninist praxis is pretty based

Even the Nazi Party and the Italian fascists copied the vanguard concept.

And so did the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek

And the Singaporean People's Action Party

2019-04-08 05:51:41 UTC  

Lenin's understanding and contribution to scientific socialism, dialectical materialism, is also notable

Today, what do we have?

Populists like to use the problem-reaction-solution concept, as in bring up contemporary problem, say that you have the key to the solution, and exploit your prior reputation to amplify ypur bid.

2019-04-08 05:53:43 UTC  

We have a lot of revolutionary potential in many, in particular, third world countries, but nothing to lead this potential into revolution, to guide the revolution, to actually do something

Yeah. Populism does not help.

2019-04-08 05:54:31 UTC  

Leninism is definitely in dire needs of visiting those countries

The vanguard concept is the reason why philosophies like Marxism and Fascism were very successful in the 20th century.

2019-04-08 05:54:46 UTC  

To form a vanguard to guide this revolutionary potential into success

As Mao said, "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China."

That quote summarizes the importance of vanguardism, no matter the ideology.

2019-04-08 05:56:49 UTC  

Exactly, you can't just expect a bunch of workers to do something without organisation or actually knowing what they're supposed to do

2019-04-08 05:57:03 UTC  

Like an army with no generals, no officers

2019-04-08 05:57:57 UTC  

Even anarchist movements need some level of organization at a local level. It makes sense.

Or for populism, an army with one general but no in-between subordinates.

2019-04-08 06:00:16 UTC  

Who's more likely to win? An organised citizens militia with a vanguard to organise and arm, or the same thing except the state controls it

2019-04-08 06:00:42 UTC  

And if it's guerrilla warfare for the citizens militia, then it's likely they would victor

We saw how the Chinese Civil War went down....

2019-04-08 06:02:06 UTC  

Now, I do have huge problems with how poorly communist China was ran, but the revolution was as close to clean victory as it gets.

The CCP were just basically armed peasants but organized by a vanguard.

The Nationalist Republic was basically an confederation of armies led by a strongman.

2019-04-08 06:02:43 UTC  

The ones who knew the land.

2019-04-08 06:02:55 UTC  

The ones who had more to lose.

Not to mention the Nationalist generals squabbling on each other.

And the CCP was 'blessed' with the former Manchukuo as their staging ground.

The Nationalists have war-torn land to start with.

2019-04-08 06:04:39 UTC  

iirc, the American Revolution was only possible because the British generals acted like children with too much power, whereas Washington listened to his subordinates, who in turned listened to him.

Manchukuo used to be Imperial Japan's spoiled child.

2019-04-08 06:05:29 UTC  

that and french aid but we gloss over that in class

Too bad that the revolutionary zeal would fade over time.

That's where the idea of Perpetual Revolution comes in.

I'm talking of Mao's idea basically.

Trotsky's version is basically not to cease pursuing the enemy until they have nowhere to run.

Mao's version is constant vigilance to avoid slipping back and replacing your enemy.

Also, one problem why African revolutions failed to bear fruit unlike Latin American or Asian ones?

They were too impatient.