Message from @Apple O'Day

Discord ID: 578645819591360514

2019-05-16 17:44:23 UTC  

It's illegal and if he gets caught he's fucked.

2019-05-16 17:44:36 UTC  

Most people won't report you

2019-05-16 17:44:43 UTC  

Just dont flaunt it

2019-05-16 17:44:58 UTC  


2019-05-16 17:45:17 UTC  

This is part of why the age of consent being 16 is dumb. Teenagers should be allowed to be in relationships with other teenagers.

2019-05-16 17:45:17 UTC  

Don't act indecently in public and that sort of stuff

2019-05-16 17:45:38 UTC  

Age of consent should be 18. Drinking age should be 18.

2019-05-16 17:46:20 UTC  

Keep a low profile

2019-05-16 17:46:29 UTC  

18 year olds are gonna drink regardless of what some law says and the law in half of the fucking planet says it's fine so why ruin their lives for having some drinks.

2019-05-16 17:46:32 UTC  

Since you're both teens most people will have no issue

2019-05-16 17:46:38 UTC  

Unless you look young for your age

2019-05-16 17:46:42 UTC  

And he doesn't

2019-05-16 17:46:51 UTC  

Which might attract attention

2019-05-16 17:47:06 UTC  

he used to have a beard

2019-05-16 17:47:09 UTC  

i'll have him just

2019-05-16 17:47:11 UTC  

not have a beard

2019-05-16 17:56:49 UTC  

Drinking isn't really the same, drinking has chemical consequences on your developing brain

2019-05-16 17:59:56 UTC  

The idea that Lawmaker Jerry can determine that person Bob *did not* consent in a case where person Bob says he *did* consent is stupid.

If person Bob said he consented then that is the end of the story

2019-05-16 18:02:08 UTC  

That situation is called a victimless crime. People persecuted for victimless crimes are victims themselves

2019-05-16 18:03:29 UTC  

You can call me filth or whatnot, talk about cases where harm was done, and have a bunch of people back you up, but it doesn't mean your arguement is good or valid.

2019-05-16 18:11:54 UTC  

What you are arguing is that an underage relationship is universally damaging whether or not harm is actually done to any party involved, which is *not* why that law exists.

2019-05-16 18:16:46 UTC  

But can you consent to something that your mind truly can't understand in it's current state?

2019-05-16 18:17:28 UTC  

Children can't understand sexuality or the consequences of it mentally or physically (STDs, etc) therefore they can't consent.

2019-05-16 18:18:25 UTC  

And therefore an adult who should be able to understand sexuality and the consequences of sexual activity should know that trying to have sex with a child is wrong.

2019-05-16 18:19:02 UTC  

The same way someone who knows their customer isn't knowledgeable about an item trying to cheat them out of more money with an inferior product is wrong.

2019-05-16 18:19:45 UTC  

Except in this case it doesn't result in someone losing a little money, it results in a child having physical harm which may result in medical procedures and mental issues down the line.

2019-05-16 18:21:27 UTC  

Yes generally speaking that's correct. In the same way that if you pulled a woman on to a bed and then had sex with them with no prior interaction, it would also be rape, even if they did know what sex was. Of course. The scenario you describe is of course rape.

But of course that doesnt mean that status quo for everyone that wants to have sex with a women is to put them on a bed with no interaction.

2019-05-16 18:22:24 UTC  

Just drop the universal harm arguement though it's a convenient crutch but it just isn't logically valid or true

2019-05-16 18:25:26 UTC  

Your arguements as I see them are that
1. Humans below an arbitrary age are incapable of understanding the concept of sex
2. Sex with a human below an arbitrary age are universally harmful to that human.

I don't think either of these are valid points

2019-05-16 18:25:51 UTC  

There *are* valid points to be made against my arguements but these particular ones aren't

2019-05-16 18:26:58 UTC  

It isn't an arbitrary age. It's an age that child psychologists generally understand to be when sexual maturity begins. Also it's an age tied to other things that essentially constitute when you have complete freedom in life and no longer depend on your parents or guardians.

2019-05-16 18:27:59 UTC  

First of all, It is arbitrary. Sexual maturity begins at puberty.

The EU says 16, the U.S. says 18, and south Korea says 20. How is that not arbitrary

2019-05-16 18:28:10 UTC  

And Nigeria says 11

2019-05-16 18:30:26 UTC  

And the freedom arguement maybe correct but the balance of power is still heavily weighted towards the underage one in the relationship rather than a hypothetical adult.

Just because a person is not an adult doesn't mean that if they said they were being raped by an adult they wouldn't be listened to. Of course they would be whether or not we have laws of consent based on age

2019-05-16 18:30:36 UTC  

Mods do you think maybe having this dude in a server with children is possibly a bad idea?

2019-05-16 18:31:00 UTC  

So, you are starting to lose an arguement and go to the mods

2019-05-16 18:31:03 UTC  


2019-05-16 18:33:23 UTC  

Regardless what the fuck does this have to do with leftist politics?

2019-05-16 18:34:48 UTC

2019-05-16 18:35:07 UTC  

We are back on track now!

2019-05-16 18:36:18 UTC  

Pedophiles are absolute cancer to any movement. If we wish to have any success we should realize this.